Today saw such a news: can not help but sigh, artificial intelligence this wind comes too fast, has set off a wave of people to learn Python.

Mid-2017 observation: It looks like the outline is basically there, but the implementation date may be pushed back to 2017 (it is said that another part of the technology program, general technology, is also being reformed).

News at the beginning of 2017: Zhejiang Province information technology new textbooks, will be used in 2017 (September 2017 entrance) high school freshmen.

It is understood that the information technology teaching materials required by the current examination (can be understood as college entrance examination subjects) are composed of 3 “Information technology foundation”, “multimedia technology application”, “algorithm and program design” 3, involving software (application software and programming software) including but not limited to

Information technology foundation: Excel, Access; Multimedia technology application: Photoshop, Flash algorithm and programming: Visual Basic 6.0, the algorithm part only involves bubble, insertion sort, unlike binary search, cancel the “Multimedia technology applications” module (that is, no longer examine Photoshop and Flash) cancel the use of Excel, Access software inspection, programming language will be changed to Python, The software will use Python + Matplotlib + PANDAS to draw graphs, manipulate data, and visualize data. The software will be used for algorithms and programming modules in Python. Add basic data structure knowledge (tree and binary tree in linear data structure and nonlinear data structure)

Although I have been studying the language in a planned and organized way since the beginning of the year, I have a general understanding of the language. Let’s introduce the relationship between artificial intelligence and Python.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that seeks to understand the nature of intelligence and produce a new type of intelligent machine that can react in a manner similar to human intelligence. Research in this field includes robotics, speech recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, and expert systems. Since the birth of artificial intelligence, the theory and technology are increasingly mature, and the application field is also expanding. It can be imagined that the future scientific and technological products brought by artificial intelligence will be the “container” of human wisdom. Artificial intelligence can simulate the information process of human consciousness and thinking. Artificial intelligence is not human intelligence, but it can think like a human and possibly exceed human intelligence.

Python is favored by more and more companies for its simplicity, elegance and high development efficiency. Companies choose Python to develop websites, search engines (Google), cloud computing (OpenStack), big data, artificial intelligence, scientific computing and other directions. Python will become the third mainstream programming language after C++ and Java. The combination of Python and artificial intelligence is also a dominant course in silicon valley. Python has obvious advantages in employment.

Python is more popular and easier to learn than C/C++, and the language itself is not the focus, estimation is algorithms and data structures, python is used to implement. And Python has a lot of advantages.

Advantage 1: mainly is the development of fast, concise language, not so many skills, so read very clear and easy. Advantage 2: C/C++ can write Python module, standard library useful C/C++ to write things, this is similar to Java JNI. Python GUI is usually tkinter, which is the Wrapper to Python for TK. Python does not have tools as convenient as XNA. Pros 4. Python is not designed for the web. Python was available in 1991, and the WWW was only opened by CERN in 1993. The main reason to use Python for web programming is to develop quickly. 5. Powerful ides like VS, including PyCharm and PyDev for free. PyDev has a plug-in version of Eclipse or Aptana Studio.

Slow Python execution is inevitable. As a scripting language, it is naturally slower than languages that need to be compiled into executable programs, because parsers are involved in the execution process, parsing and executing as they go along — a common problem with scripting languages.

But with the hardware of modern computers, Python and some fast languages are getting closer.

Compared to other languages, the university entrance exam to its, and in the university entrance exam category is expected, in the age of the Internet, if you can’t grasp one or two foreign computer language, perhaps the next will be eliminated by times, responded to the trend of The Times in the college entrance examination policy, nor the future generation brought endless hope. So how do you view the problem of Technical examination of Python in Zhejiang College Entrance Examination for Grade 17?

At present, the teaching and research office of Zhejiang Provincial Education Department, the teacher in charge said that the provincial teaching and research office has not received the notice that the teaching materials will be changed in the second half of the year. The new curriculum standards for high schools are still being reviewed by the Ministry of Education. As for whether the new curriculum standards will be used in September, we have not received the notice yet. However, the teacher also pointed out that the content circulating online is similar to the new textbooks being approved. An official in the basic education department of zhejiang Province also said that they have not received any notice to start using the new textbooks in the second half of this year. As to whether to use the new textbooks, we should wait for official notification.

Some experts point out that programming language is a kind of man-machine dialogue language, and people used to communicate with Chinese, English and other languages, has a similar acquisition process, the earlier contact, the better you can master. What’s more, learning programming can cultivate a variety of abilities.

1. Thinking ability. Logical thinking training is to let your brain always come up with certain rules first, and even if you think of something else, you can automatically skip the irrelevant content and “reason” according to the rules. Of course, the reasoning chain formed by rules may sometimes suffer from lack of brain memory and break, but this is not a problem of logical thinking ability, but a problem of short-term memory, concentration and mental stability. The most important part of programming is the process of breaking big problems into smaller ones. Among them, students must think about how to arrange the code reasonably in the whole program, so that the program can smoothly deal with the input, calculation, until the output, this process has greatly improved the logicality of students’ analysis of things.

2. Adaptability; With the intensification of social competition, people are faced with increasing changes and pressure, everyone may face job selection, laid-off and other aspects of trouble. Efforts to improve their strain capacity, to maintain a healthy mental state is very helpful, if you can through repeated practice a lot of thinking process made after the decision, have a good strain energy, can assess the situation and strain.

3. Ability to collect information; We are in a new era of information society transformation, for modern people, timely grasp of accurate information, is the basis and foundation of scientific prediction and decision-making. If the eyes and ears are closed and closed for a long time, it is difficult to do a good job only by relying on old experience. Therefore, improving the ability to capture information, regarding information as efficiency and information as capital, is an important prerequisite for doing good work today, and is also one of the necessary abilities for workers.

4. Problem-solving ability: Problem solving ability is not innate, natural depends on the day after tomorrow the accumulation of experience, in the process of programming, and will always meet all kinds of bugs, this time is not only a test of the patient with a person, or to the test of the ability to solve the problem, how to solve this problem, multi-level comprehensive from where to look for a breakthrough, how to play the subjective initiative, Whether to solve the problem or not is a test of a person’s comprehensive ability, from solving the problem can also see a person’s foresight, decision-making and executive power. Therefore, building this ability at an early age has immeasurable benefits for the future.

Abstract thinking ability: Learning programming is just like learning a second foreign language. If learning a foreign language is about communicating with foreigners, learning a program is about communicating with a computer. What’s more interesting is that when you meet foreigners who can’t speak English, you can draw pictures by hand, but not with computers. This means that students in the process of learning, more need a specific to abstract ability, write the right program, so that the program can run in accordance with the way students imagine, this is the process of brainstorming. Let students play infinite imagination and start to realize, so that the computer does not know how to think, also can understand and express abstract things.

The future will be the era of big data and artificial intelligence, when there will be a large amount of data to process, and Python has unique advantages in data processing, I believe that Python will become more and more popular in the future. Life is short. Use Python. What are you waiting for?

Python developer exchange platform, there is no way to put a link: in order not to infringement, public account contact information in here.