What’s wrong with programmers? Of course, we don’t deny that there are a lot of excellent programmers. They live a good life and earn more. I don’t want to talk about deep issues, such as national and social issues (some people will say that our society has made us this way), but I will talk about how some programmers I know work and live based on my own experience.

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Most of the programmers around me do not like the programmer industry, always hope that if possible in the future, must jump out of the circle, to do other industries, some said to do sales, some said to return home to open a small supermarket, some said is ridiculous. I don’t know why they keep saying this. The reason is that I have never seen them make any effort. If they have not made any effort, how can they know that this career has no future? At work, most of them are talking about social issues, yesterday to see what movie, who also bought a iPhone, her father gave her bought a house in Beijing, and so on boring questions, then they talk about what I don’t know, I took headphones, swim in the code of the world, enjoy the original 100 lines of complete function, after my rewrite. It only takes 50 lines to run better and more efficiently than before. First, programmers, like any other industry, need at least an attitude. If you don’t have a basic attitude, don’t say programmers have no future, assuming that every industry has no future for such people.

I finish a feature, show it to my colleague, and then tell him how I implemented it and what the benefits were. His words like a basin of cold water splashed on my face, “You spend so much effort why ah, you don’t think so much, the leadership can’t see how you are designed.” “Oh.” I was speechless and did not know how to reply. After hearing the words I completely understand why programmers dead-end, compared to many other industries, the software is not easy to found the problem, maybe you do a special effects, let a thing around to get the appreciation of leadership instead, and you spend a lot of their own private time to design the structure of the no one will use, because you to his leadership, the leadership of a job, He also wanted to take something visible. Many programmers get raped by such leaders, do superficial work to please the leaders, and then two or three years later, find themselves useless. Also can’t see the future, do that little broken thing, can let you get “appreciation” for a while, computer is a technical work, need the accumulation of skills and experience. Secondly, the future of programmers is what programmers make themselves. If you think you have no future now, it only means that you are not doing well enough.

There are a lot of good books in the computer industry, very famous books like Hackers and Painters, the Art of Unix Programming, and I don’t want to say Introduction to Algorithms because it’s really boring and I’ve never read it all myself. But a book like “Hackers and Painters” is different. It opens your mind to what went wrong and where the future is headed. If you want to see if a programmer’s vision is open, ask him if he’s heard of a book, yes, that’s ok, he knows a thing or two, if he’s read it, that’s great, ask him something about the book, there’s no right or wrong, it’s your opinion. I have asked my colleagues around me, only a handful of people have read these works, and those who have read them are indeed different. They have a broad horizon, not limited to a very narrow range, let alone talking about the sky with you. Number three, read a lot of books, read good books, and don’t just read them once. You should read from thick to thin, and from thin to thick, as your high school teacher said.

real programmers code in binary

I met a friend last year, the three sentences without written procedures, we eat lunch talk program, we talk about programs in the elevator, as long as we are together we will discuss how to implement a system, how to make the system run faster, what is the mechanism of a new technology, under what circumstances is a better choice. Being with him for three months made me feel twice as open as BEFORE. In the past three months, I feel that every day is very fulfilling, and I have completely lost the feeling of wasting my life, because I feel that I am supplementing knowledge every day, knowing more and gaining more confidence. Fourth, if you’re a programmer, you have to meet people who are better than you in the field, and talk to them, to broaden your horizons, to understand what the future looks like, even just listening to them, there’s a lot to gain.

Company to a new colleague, he also didn’t graduate, but when I discuss some problems, found that he knew things very much, although the technology is not very good, but he has a very clear direction, and mastery of the knowledge base is very good, such as an operation (read the friends here, you can use for programming languages, which are you familiar with the operation?) . Once he met a problem, I used to help him, accidentally found him a folder, the folder is the name of the Daily Reading, there are good folders by date points one by one, since the day he came to the company, always remember very well, I looked at it simple, there is a day which online articles, And a summary of these articles. This may not be the best way to do it, and it might be better to use some software, like Evernote, but not to mention that it organizes all the resources it has ever read. Fifth question, you will encounter problems every day, every day will look up information on the Internet, or look up books, but have you summed up these problems? To sum up, it really makes people improve. In many ways, such as blogging.

Boss always said I have no plan, I don’t know how to plan, the boss said is very simple, do not need too complicated, need only a excel file, came later in the morning, think of what work done yesterday, and today what to do the work, and then added into excel, set the background color of all the tasks into red, on behalf of the unfinished; At the end of the day, finish and change the background color to green. Do the same the next day. I told a friend about this method and he immediately asked me to give him the Excel template. I was speechless and told him there was no template. Sixth, learn to plan and arrange. Don’t need to be too complicated, start with the simple, but don’t limit yourself to death, no matter how powerful people need to arrange and plan, you should have heard of the bug management system, it is itself a planning and scheduling tool, but it is more advanced, you can know the software bugs at any time. You’re most productive when you know exactly what you need to do at every moment.

Do these points, I believe you are a more qualified programmer, remember, only qualified. It’s not that programmers have no future, but that many of them have lost their future.

Finally: Welcome to the Java and big data learning group: 721506929

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