Spotify’s head of design dropped out of school at the age of 15 to start various side projects. Decades of experience made him believe that a successful side project must be “silly”, so that exploration can be more bold and fun without burdens. All big things start small, and 50% of Google’s new projects come from the famous 20% of side projects. The complexity of scaling, financing, and competing product analysis can slow you down. Doing things is more important than learning, because other people are not smarter than you, and it is difficult to empathize with what others are going through. Many successful startups are unplanned. Projects attract like-minded people.

Another psychological benefit of Side project is that it is “great”, you are your boss, you can do whatever you decide, no one can stop you 🙂

This article was originally published by Silicon Valley’s IO. If this article has been helpful, please Follow me on Github 🙂