Welcome to “Algorithms and the Beauty of Programming” ↑ pay attention to us!

After receiving all homework, the study committee will ask to check which students have not handed in homework and give a list of students who have not handed in homework. Such inspection takes at least five minutes each time. According to the undergraduate teaching requirements of Sichuan Tourism Institute, each course should have at least five assignments and more than four experimental reports in a semester, and there should be at least five courses in a semester. Therefore, for the study committee, the time spent per semester is at least 5*10*5=250 minutes. These inspection operations are just some simple, repeated contrast operations, without any technical content, how to study members from these multifarious tasks to do more meaningful things, so put forward a practical and effective way to solve the above problems is very valuable, but also very necessary.


The work mentioned above is very simple and repetitive work. Since the commissary in charge of studies does not want to do it, but it has to be done, so who will do it? Someone has to do something like this.


Our answer is computers. The theory is that we can dump all the things we don’t want to do on computers and let them do them.


So how do we get computers to do things we don’t want to do? How do we tell computers what to do?


Our answer is programming. Programming is a very effective way for us to communicate with computers. By programming we can tell computers what you should do and what you should not do.


For a simple example, we want to calculate 1+2+… The sum of +100, assuming we don’t know any summation formulas, just simple addition, we’re going to do it step by step: 1+2+… The amount of work is very, very large.


We don’t want to do this kind of work. Can we give it to a computer? The answer is yes. So how do we tell a computer what you should do? Programming. We can write a simple C summation program and let the computer do the work for us, let the computer add one by one, thus freeing us human beings to do what we should do, but we give it to the computer to do.

To continue, welcome to continue to pay attention to this public number, learn more about different programming thinking.