Java, after 25 years of programming, is still much closer to developers’ minds; Even today, nearly 69% of the global developer community still code in Java.

Java, after 25 years of programming, is still much closer to developers’ minds; Even today, nearly 69% of the global developer community still code in Java. Oracle recently released Java 15, which includes a number of features such as sealed classes, hidden classes, Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EDDSA), text blocks, and more. This makes Java 15 a programming language for 25 years instead of 25.

The history and evolution of Java

When there were dozens of very stable programming languages in the early 1990s, such as FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal, C++, and Visual Basic, Many platforms, including Windows, Mac, UNIX, Linux, and Mobile, require programming and architecture design. James Gosling and his friends discussed these aspects under an oak tree near James’s office, and they decided that a new programming language needed to be developed to address these gaps. They focused on the basics while developing a new language called Oak, which was later named Green (because the team was named Green Team) and later Java (based on their favorite Indonesian Coffee, Java Coffee).

James Gosling introduced Java in 1995, during which time other languages C, C++, VC++, Visual Basic, Python all had their own marketplaces, developers, and deployments. Java introduced the concept of WORA (write once, run anywhere), simplicity, object-oriented programming, and the elimination of all the pain points of C++. Most importantly, Web programming with Applet support and rich UI design (Abstract Window Toolkit).

Due to its simplicity, it attracted more developers and became the “passport” for all developers to work for international companies (USA, UK) from 1998-2001. At the same time, however, during 2001, there were significant layoffs at Dotcom and new developers were added to Java. However, at a later stage, the additional functionality in Web programming with JSPs, servlets, and mid-tier architecture EJBs on top of RMI led to more thinking about the Java enterprise application space. Java also introduced mobile programming to access mobile applications, hence J2ME. Thus, Java came up with J2SE, J2ME, and J2EE.

However, they all use Core-Java as the base language. Java also works with IBM and the Java Sound Library; The use of the Java Media Framework in conjunction with the Java Runtime for IBM’s future of speech synthesis over Voice is another important milestone for people in the Media and education fields. Over time, the number of Java developers increased and JUG was introduced. Java error tracking and error reporting are great.

Due to its simplicity and power, the subsequent years of more deployments have grown significantly, and it has been ahead of the developer community for nearly 5-6 years with the introduction of C++, VC++, and Visual Basic Java from the market. It even puts the Python language on the back burner and brings features like JavaScript Web programming (dynamic support over CSS+HTML). Java has a large number of transformations, it competes with newer languages such as Go, Ruby, Scala, and it has conquered its own market.

The base block of Java

In the initial conceptualization of the Java programming language, the basic aspects of the Green team’s plan led to the creation blocks of the Java programming language being:

  • Build a simple, object-oriented language that is easy for C++ programmers.
  • Make it platform neutral and architecture neutral.
  • High performance with many in-memory features and performance tuning using command-line parameters.
  • Make it multithreaded, dynamic, and interpretable.
  • Including security and powerful features.

Because these initiators were powerful enough, Java still didn’t compromise any of these features, so it quickly adopted new variations from modern programming languages, such as Lambda expressions, Switch expressions, and sealed classes. As a result, many new programming frameworks, including Hadoop and many big data frameworks, use Java as a native tool for cloud functions. This is why, 25 years later, Java is still struggling with new-age programming languages like Scala, Go, and Python.

Transition from Sun Microsystems to Oracle Inc.

Sun Microsystems has been acquired by Oracle, and as a result, they have managed Java since 2010. Oracle has moved from a 1-2 year release control campaign for Java to one every 6 months. Tremendous changes have taken place and new features have been added. Java 8 was one of the great releases that attracted developers back to the market. Although Oracle introduced Java 14. Still all developers, the deployment is still intact, with a more stable J2SE 1.8 release.


After Oracle took over Java, in the name of J2EE Jakarta Eclipse Community Foundation project, it started to consider OpenSource and the thought process of supporting openness from Sun’s J2SE (OpenJDK) and Oracle’s J2EE openness.

Java is widely used in all fields, be it manufacturing, retail, banking, telecommunications, and everywhere the Java language becomes a required language, every developer should know Java. Because of this, it has created more opportunities for the industry globally. Between 2006 and 2013, Oracle ran into difficulties. However, since Oracle took over Java, this slow or development/deployment issue has been completely eliminated. Sun Microsystems hosted the Java One Conference, a global technical discussion for each release where the entire new child of Java (features, future JSRs) will be discussed and debated with a wider technical audience.

As we discussed, Java also has a place in microcontrollers and microspace projects. One of the key points and changes that Java brings is the Java embedded system capability, which handles remote management of devices and devices using the Internet. I think this is the basis for the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the last few days, but it was already considered in Java as far back as the 2006-2010 timeframe itself.

The first major change brought about by Oracle is the release of Java in two forms:

  1. A Java open platform called OpenJDK.
  2. The business platform used by enterprises is Oracle Java.

Java platform-based framework

As an introduction to Java, it’s freer to see more of the world’s languages, such as Go, Python, Ruby, Perl, and so on, and their market space. Java has been used for client-side or two-tier applications (applets, JavaScript), the server tier (JSPs, servlets), the middle tier (EJB), and the N-tier (Email, JNDI, JDBC, and so on). It has also helped Sun and Oracle increase their developers and contributors during Java’s growth. Java is heavily used in third-party frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate, and supports cross-database and dynamic/runtime dependency injection capabilities.

In addition, the shift from the monolithic world to the microservices world, as the next generation of programming languages, brings more stability, scalability, and agility to the business and marketplace. Java has been used in all SpringBoot-based microservice containers, and again has a set of top-level encoders, proven deployments, and so on. I forgot to mention another feature called multilanguage support, where Java supports Unicode to enable cross-language (international) support. Java has been widely used in big data, AIML, with more use cases, solutions, and deployments. Java has also adjusted its transition to cloud-based platform deployment, thus enabling more developers to contribute and use Java by including hot market requirements.

Java is widely used and integrated into various domains, technologies, and toolsets, which increases the utilization of Java from space and satellite research to manufacturing, education, banking, finance, mobile, cloud, and more. Java has successfully integrated tools and technologies with the following third parties. Java has a wider integration of AI, ML and Cloud, with stable performance and continuous improvement. For 25 years Java has been ignored by Python, C++, Scala, Go, Erlang, and more. Despite this, Java still ranks first, with more community members and a stable deployment of a large number of use cases.

Java integration with other third-party frameworks, from Hibernate to Struts, and now the SpringBoot microservice framework is being adopted and deployed globally. With recent changes in reactive programming languages, reactive Java has become more popular and offers more options. These integrations have taken Java to a higher level of programming, where performance and stability are key parts of Java’s successful features. Oracle also announced a number of new changes in its release; Java is released not every two years, but every six months. In addition, a new website has been added for the ability to view upcoming projects or tasks completed so far. Along with the success milestones in Java’s 25-year history, there have been some important milestones, such as JDK8 getting a huge number of deployments. With regard to this feature, developers might expect the JVM to gain more speed and performance improvements and fault tolerance when dealing with a large number of concurrent use cases.

Recent hurdles for the Java platform

While Sun had Java, there were other Java runtime environments that enhanced Java, especially the IBM Java introduced by IBM (which also had some interesting features). Out of the blue, Sun Microsystem filed a lawsuit against Microsoft, alleging that it was violating Sun Microsystems’ licensing requirements by supporting the Internet Explorer monopoly and using the JRE. Sun won the case against Microsoft, and Oracle recently built a suite with Google to use Java on their mobile Android platform.

A quick look at the latest Java 15 version

The Oracle Java version is based on the JDK Enterprise Proposal (JEP) and Java Specification Request (JSR), and EDDSA is one such implementation of JEP 339. It is a platform-independent cryptographic signature using approximately 126-bit cryptographic algorithms. This can be used for data transfer processing with higher security to transfer encrypted data.

The sealed classes introduced in Java 15, which are implementations of JEP 360, restrict which classes can extend or implement sealed classes. Such as:

public abstract sealed class Shape permits Circle, Rectangle, Square {... }

Make Shape a sealed class and allow only “allowed” class implementations/extensions. This enables secure access to the class hierarchy and controls the reusability of the interface.

Hidden classes are based on the JEP 371 implementation, which restricts the use of classes by allowing them to be generated at run time using the reflection API and makes them invisible to the outside world. Therefore, it is not possible to dynamically generate hidden classes through proxies, and they can be accessed safely.

The ZGC or Z Garbage Collector is based on JEP 377. In the early days of Java 1.8, the G1 GC was a groundbreaking introduction to self-managed garbage collection and significantly improved performance. Later in Java 11, ZGC was introduced with various features to improve performance, and now in Java 15, it has been further improved, such as uncommenting unused memory, multithreaded heap, concurrent class unload, and so on.

Text blocks introduced from JEP 378 create multi-line string literals, store them as auto-escape sequences, format strings in a predictable manner, and improve the memory usage of string literals. This enables efficient storage of XML, JSON, and HTML data as string literals in Java code.

The External Memory Access API is a JEP 383 implementation that allows programs to efficiently access external memory outside of the allocated Java heap. It was first introduced in Java 14 as a preview, and has now been released in an improved version as part of Java 15. The API allows by adding like MemorySegment. AllocateNative (100).


The official release notes state that the first official Java was first released in January 1996, bringing Java to the end of its 25-year journey, as shown above. From desktop, mobile, enterprise development to modern cloud and big data development, no other programming language in the history of computing can match Java in our view. A lot of people say that new programming constructs like Golang, Python, JavaScript frameworks, etc., will make Java die out soon, but with the large number of features introduced in Java15, Java remains the “go further” option for the developer community, and that seems to be a strong response. For more free information, please add group: 3907814