Front-end development is also some years ago, I remember many years ago, talking about the front-end, feel is very simple, at that time there is no front-end engineer this position. But now, the front end has been reversed, is not the original appearance, various technologies emerge in endlessly, more and more inscrutable. Is the front end really that difficult? In my opinion, the front end is still the same, with some changes, but it shouldn’t be as complicated as it is now.

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There are too many frameworks, too many new technologies

We get lost in the technologies, in the concepts that new technologies bring. Angular rect Bootstrap, etc. They bring us convenience as well as trouble. Do we really need these frameworks? Is learning these frameworks equivalent to learning the front end?

Maybe most of the time we learn these things not to solve problems, but to show how stylish we are, how fashionable we are, or to embellish our resumes. We’ve moved away from the true value of technology. I remember talking to a front-end a few months ago and he asked me what technologies were popular right now; I said it was a popular technology that the 1px line on my phone could display a pixel (a pixel line on the phone would be larger than a pixel).

Although these new technologies bring us convenience, but we can’t get lost in them, we have to solve the problem; Another example, cSS3 animation has a BUG, but I don’t see many people talking about it on the Internet, mostly the use of various frameworks. We can’t get lost in all kinds of new technology, mainly we will complicate the simple problem degree, will make our front end become very complicated.

We’re still holding on to outdated principles as bibles

There was a time when Yahoo’s front-end optimization guidelines became the standard. But years later, those norms still hold people back.

On mobile, for example, people use Zepto, so I’m not spraying zepto. Zepto has a lot of bugs and is not nearly as mature as jquery. At least not when I tested it. I don’t know if anyone who says jquery doesn’t work has tested it.

Another example is the compression of front-end JS CSS before publishing. Before compression is also because of the slow network speed, now in addition to the core of compression, I think there is no need to compress the general, compression debugging is troublesome, there are a bunch of configuration, increase the complexity of the project, compression is really there?

About modular development, modular development is also a buzz, seems to be a necessary skill, but how many projects we need modular development, they bring us how much convenience? At least most of the projects I’ve worked on don’t require modular development.

Our code became weird and confusing

I don’t know when the more difficult the front-end code was written, the better it was. The code should be as readable as possible. I can write it in plain English, I don’t want to write it in weird English, even if I have to write a few more lines of code, I want to keep it readable. But now the front-end code to others do not understand proud, proud to use some advanced applications, front-end code writing has entered the wrong area. Sometimes I find myself surrounded by people who have no idea why they write the code in such a strange way, but simply think it looks good, that’s all.

Those of us on the front end don’t give the newbies a clear, tangible guide

JavaScript archetypal inheritance is of some importance, but I’ve read a lot of JavaScript books and haven’t found that one that really speaks volumes about it, at least not yet. There are so many books, so many fashionable things, but we don’t have this basic concept. For example, a lot of the cSS3 stuff in the book is adapted from W3C documents, online. I do not know when you use CSS3 have found a lot of bugs, these bugs do not need to write in the book to let our new people take some detours?

Isn’t it remiss of us to teach our newbies so many fads that they get lost in the fads and then not teach them the most important ones?