Does Linux work?

I have friends who still seem to remember Linux as a black command line interface. When I tell him or suggest that he use Linux, he looks surprised and asks me, how does that work (for development or daily use)?

Linux has a graphical interface



File manager

Set up the

This is deepin, the “domestic” operating system I have been using for nearly two years. I don’t know if the interface is beautiful or not. I am sure it can be used.

For other Linux applications, see:

Eight beautiful Linux distributions!

The 10 most beautiful Linux distributions of 2018

Look ahead to seven good Linux distributions for 2017

Support daily development

First of all Vim/Emacs says they can handle it, but I don’t think I’m familiar with them. .

Java : Eclipse , IDEA , NetBeans , Android Studio …

Python : PyCharm , WingIDE …

C++ : KDevelop , Code Blocks …

Php : PhpStorm …

Front-end: Sublime, VS Code, WebStorm…


In no particular order

Social communication is fine

There’s ICQ…

For the sake of time, the deepin store screenshots are used here. Other Linux distributions may not be as rich, but it should be ok to install QQ and wechat

Can Linux replace Windows?

Here are the software I use daily:

Development: the IDEA of

Databases: DBeaver, Navicat, PL/SQL

Communication: TIM, wechat

Browser: Google, Firefox, 360

Office: WPS, Microsoft Office Web edition

Music: netease Cloud Music

Input method: Sogou input method

Deepin player: VLC

Editor: Sublime Text

Remote control: TeamViewer, Sunflower, VNC, Remmina

Download: Thunderbolt Speed version, Aria2

Network disk: Nut cloud, Baidu network disk

MarkDown editor: Typora, Zettlr

Terminal: Deepin built-in (very useful)

Mind Mapping: XMind ZEN

FTP: FileZilla

PDF: Foxy Reader

Vm: VirtualBox, vmware

Games: Steam, Minecraft

The Android APP: xDroid

These are just my personal daily use, there are many excellent software not listed.

As for the replacement of Windows, the question varies from person to person. As far as I am concerned, in my two years of experience, I have never encountered a problem that cannot be solved under Linux and has to go back to Windows.

And, if you have to, there are virtual machines.

Other references:

The 100 Best Ubuntu Apps (part 1)

Deepin App Store

Common super like Linux software summary, into the line of operation and maintenance must hide!

Niche software -Linux

Running Android applications on Linux

XDroid enables Android applications to run on Linux, greatly expanding the Linux ecosystem.

Yes, you read that right, it’s not virtual machine or emulator-based, it’s fast, it’s cheap.

That seems impossible with Windows right now.

Run a screenshot

Screenshot of the app market

What are the advantages of Linux?

The cost of moving from one system to another is huge. Is there anything compelling about Linux that makes it worth it? Do not understand you can pay attention to the public number Java technology stack, search for Linux command daquan commonly used.

Linux is elegant

When I install a software on Windows, you first need to open a browser, search software, you want carefully to avoid advertising, when you find a website, seems to have to carefully find download address, rather than a huge download button, and then a little cautious installation, must not be missed some hook, If you miss it, you’ll notice that your computer seems to be stuttering, and soon its friends will appear on your desktop.

On Linux, a command like apt Install or yum install will do the job.

Linux doesn’t have to choose whether to put the software on drive C or drive D, it already defines which files go where,

You don’t need anti-virus software,

You don’t have to clean up your trash,

I don’t need to free up memory,

You don’t need to activate the system, it’s open source and free,

There is no need for disk optimization,

No annoying popovers,

There are no mandatory updates.

Linux is efficient

This is what appeals to me most about Linux

The command line

The command line is not a backward way to manipulate a computer. Instead, it has been efficient and expressive. Common Linux commands that Java programmers must master are recommended in this article.

When you want to copy, cut, or delete a file, I’m sure there’s no faster command to open file manager and jump between Windows.

When you want to see the status of the system, I believe moving the mouse, right clicking, and selecting Task Manager is no faster command.

When you want to write a simple script or file, I believe that opening the editor, creating a new file, writing, and selecting the file location to save is no faster command.


The mouse is a great tool, but it has its limitations. After all, it only has three buttons. The expressive power of using arguments on the command line is infinite.

Reduce mouse use

From the command line, the browser’s Vimium plugin (operates the browser interface in a similar way to Vim), Albert (opens app, file, URL, direct search, calculator… System shortcuts combined with IDEA (which is designed with keyboard first in mind) I was able to use the mouse very little.

It’s not a hot mouse, of course. It’s much faster to use the keyboard than to move your right hand to the mouse and back, and it’s an uninterrupted experience.

As to why this is an advantage of Linux, in my experience with Windows over the years, I have found no entry point for custom system shortcuts, let alone custom macros. Windows has a command line, of course, but I don’t think it’s as rich or as interoperable as Linux (some call it an adjunct).

Reduce repetitive labor

I have a folder where I keep all the different scripts I write. Most of the time, your problem can be solved by commercially available software, but when it comes to small, unique, repetitive tasks. Scripts can help you with this.

For example, I have a script to monitor the production environment (in fact, it should come with the project itself), an OA daemon script (in fact, it is to monitor whether I write daily newspaper or not, and send a text message to remind me if NOT), and even a script to send wechat periodically.

These scripts, to a certain extent, eliminate repetitive work in the information world and allow me to focus more on creative work.


On my computer, both the system boot speed and the software (IDEA, Chrome) boot speed are slightly faster than Windows.

There is no accurate test data obtained from experience. But IDEA was tested, and it was more than a second faster

Memory footprint
