I answered some of them on ZhihuThe programmerandprogrammingSo, you get a lot of invitations to ask questions like that.

Among them, the most one is, programmers after the age of 35 will not be unemployed, unemployed how to do, after the age of 35 programmers where to go, programmers at the age of 35 to management should learn something and so on.

I’ve been diving in some networking groups for programmers, and I’ve seen a lot of discussion about career changes. There are a lot of discussion about career changes for project managers, and a lot of people have taken the exam. Registration fee is 3900 yuan, make-up exam fee is 2500 yuan, and then the training cost is about 5000 yuan, and this certificate must be reported to the training class.

It can be seen that programmers are very sensitive to the age of 35, and most of them are very anxious, as if after 35, they will have no job and be sentenced to death.

At this point, I see a lot of people pointing out a way out. When you reach 35, you either have to change management or you have to change industries.

I am personally open to the question of whether there is no future for programmers after the age of 35, because I am also curious, after all, most of the programmer community is young now.

There are a lot of programmers out there today, and there are going to be people who are 35 years old, and they’re going to have a lot of problems, and they’re not going to be able to do it. In most professions, there is a certain amount of competitive pressure by midlife, with the exception of special professions such as doctors and teachers.

However, someone mentioned that you should switch to management by the time you are 35 as a solution to your career as a 35-year-old programmer. I think this is a trap. Be wary of it.

As I mentioned before, I recently contacted a project manager who was a programmer to project manager. He was in charge of dozens of people. After working for a year, he found himself in an awkward position.

However, if you don’t do the technology for a year, you will forget a lot of things, and then if you go to find a new job, you will have to prepare for a long time, which requires time and energy, and in most cases, the transfer of technology to management is irreversible.

So, programmer to management for some people, is a pit. Do not casually listen to people say a few words before the age of 35 do not turn management can not fall into the pit.

In general, if you really want to transfer to management, it is also in the company’s internal technology excellent promotion to management, even if you do management, technology can not be lost.

Management needs those professional knowledge, after transfer can learn again.

It would be naive to want to learn management and then parachute into management positions elsewhere.

The first is that most programmers are temperamentally unfit for management and do not agree with the value of management. Moreover, without much social experience, it is more difficult to adapt to a new environment. Driving others to do things is much more difficult than doing things yourself.

The second is that management positions are few and far between compared to front-line developers, and most are promoted internally.

The third is that management is an art, no amount of learning is better than their own practice in the work.

To sum up, programmers should carefully choose to turn to management, determine that they are suitable for management, it is not necessary to learn management professional, management is not like programming technology, it is not necessary to lay a good foundation to start, learn something before starting, this is a typical programmer thinking.

This is the end of the article, as iOS developers, it is very important to have a learning circle, this is my public number: programming Daxin, whether you are big bull or small white are welcome to enter, let us progress together, common development!