An app for smartphone users now is nothing new, the age of the Internet new app have not fallen, ios signature demand more and more, an app from development to mall stores late application, you first need to decide the app types, functions, etc., followed by step is very important step that is for private ios signature.

App applications are generally divided into two versions, ios version and Android version. Generally, different characteristics of the two markets need to be taken into account when an App is put on the shelves. The development stage of an App takes the longest time. If the app needs to be put on the App Store, the internal test is even more important. The app technician needs to test the app until there is no obvious Bug before it can be reported to the superior and wait for it to be put on the app store. Under the current situation that it is difficult to apply for an account in the market, ios signature can be obtained from a third-party platform (such as Hai Zhu Platform). Generally, the ios signature used in the test is divided into enterprise signature, super signature and TF internal test shelf.

Hai Zhu platform official website

App development to the shelf, the process of internal testing is an indispensable step, especially important, but as long as you choose the right platform for cooperation, it can greatly reduce human input, the rules of each major platform will be different, so the internal testing to the shelf must find out the rules of the platform, I wish each development success shelf! The review of apple’s App Store takes about a week, and android’s takes a few days, so the internal test and launch of an App will require a lot of energy, and it may be overwhelmed. In this case, if you choose the developer service platform, it can largely relieve the pressure of app internal test shelf, the general service platform (Hai Zhu platform) can provide app internal test shelf assistance services. Escort the successful launch of APP.