Nowadays, girls dream of finding a boyfriend like Wang Sicong, the national hero, or a foreign fresh meat. In my impression, programmers who are nerdy and boring will never be candidates. NONONONO! Programmers are quick, clear, tenacious and creative. They do a hundred thousand lines of code of drudgery, they will be housework material. They take care of the code, and they can take care of you later. They can write a life-changing program, and they can be the next Zuckerberg, the next hero to change the world. They study well to explore good books, they focus on the human wisdom and the pursuit of faster and better spirit. They cooked themselves into a bowl of thick chicken soup. If they are not male ticket material?? “I am SPEECHLESS, if you don’t believe they’re amazing, our Tairy is living proof.

At our company, Tairy is revered as a talented kid born after 2000 because he is the youngest in our company and holds a key position in back-end development. In this interview, Tairy shares his thoughts on self-learning, the future of programming, and a bowl of chicken soup about his youth. (He also indirectly proved that he was a Top Choice guy.)

Part 1: Tairy is a practical and studious handsome man

What’s the best rule of thumb when learning computer programming?

First of all, one of the biggest problems of self-study is that there is no guide to tell you what to learn and how to learn, so I think self-study is a process to solve these two problems.

In this process, need to know a lot of other people’s opinions and methods, and to do some thinking and summary, finally find the most suitable for their own learning method, so be sure to communicate more, to take part in some technical community more at ordinary times, to know some friend study together, can also check out the community, taking a long time.

In my opinion, the following points are important in the process of technology growth:

  1. Read more books. In the face of fast food knowledge points on the Network, it is really convenient to solve practical problems quickly. But if you want to master a technology thoroughly, you still have to study relevant books.

  2. I think programmer is a profession very similar to scientific research, most of the problems encountered are actually very boring, so you need to be patient to study, in order to gain.

  3. Only a great deal of accumulation can lead to remarkable growth. Therefore, we should not rush for success. Give ourselves a few years to accumulate skills and pursue other things.

  4. Pay attention to basic accumulation, the foundation is like the foundation, but also the learning stage needs to pay attention to and accumulation. The four foundations of the computer field: operating systems, compiler principles, computer networks, and algorithmic data structures should be studied for a long time.

  5. Attention span and depth of the grasp, the simple pursuit of vision expansion, the study of various emerging technologies, may cause instability in landing; Research only one technology, and easy to form a frog in the well situation; So there is a balance to be struck between the breadth and depth of learning.

In a word, learning is a very difficult process, and it requires long-term challenges and inertia to finally realize the improvement of my ability.

How would you evaluate your college years now?

I am very grateful to that time to try to firm up their own. Although in the eyes of younger students, I am the physics department of the slip upperclassmen, all day in class copy homework, class disappeared. What they didn’t know was that I had found something I loved and laid a solid foundation for my future self. Many of my classmates in the physics department were very confused in their junior and senior years. They didn’t know what they could do and what they liked to do, so they wasted a lot of energy. I didn’t have to go through that and instead put my energy where it needed to be.

Sometimes I encounter some technical problems at work, but I can find a solution very quickly, which is due to my accumulation in university. In addition, some of my current learning and way of doing things are cultivated in the university. I think these will play a great role in my future development.

Part 2: Tairy is a tech geek, but he has a lot to say about the future

Why do you choose to be a back-end developer in so many areas of computer programming?

“Back end cool!”

I do front-end, client, but I prefer the back end. I think the direction I like is closely related to a person’s personality and values. Compared with the colorful interface at the front, I prefer simple Terminal every day. I think it is beautiful to output the program results in Terminal one by one. There’s also the thrill of having thousands of servers working for you on the back end through code (having lots of machines working for you, feeling in control LOL).

What do you think of the statement “PHP is the best language”?

I think this sentence is a joke. First of all, I’m not old enough to comment on language, so for me, language is only suitable. For example, if you need a short development time, you can use an agile language like Rails, because they have a lot of libraries to extend functionality. PHP, I think, is really convenient for Web development. The running environment is just a simple configuration, unlike some other languages or frameworks, which need to constantly fiddle with the environment. So each language has its advantages in a particular environment. Language is really a tool for operating a machine. Simply comparing good and bad is meaningless.

What do you think the future of programming looks like?

I think programming in the future will be more universal and popular. First of all, from the perspective of language development, language is becoming more and more similar to natural language. = becomes not, && becomes and. This shows that the barriers to programming have become lower and lower and more colloquial. This friendly gesture has made programming accessible to more and more people. And in the future, programming is likely to be as necessary a skill as writing.

Nowadays, our lives are increasingly dependent on tools created by programs, which means that our habits are being changed by what programmers create. This trend is scary to think about, because if you can’t program, your life is almost controlled by programmers who let you see what they want you to see and do what they want you to do. In this environment, programming becomes a tool to prevent excessive social stratification.

In the short term, the bar for programming has been lowered a lot, and it will be easier and simpler, plus the advent of a lot of wheels makes it easier to implement some features, so I think more people will join the team in the future.

Pepper’s comment: If you are a male programmer, after reading this interview, I hope you can see that you are worthy of your own pride and valuable strengths, it is not your fault that you can’t find a girlfriend!! Keep looking with pride. If you’re a girl, I hope you get to know real programmers after reading this interview, and not be held hostage to the stereotype of programmers. You can also Call Tairy maybe <3 need your phone number to leave a message in the comment area =”” xoxo<=”” p=””>