I believe that you are either interested in Linux or interested in testing it. I also hope that this article can help you find the motivation to continue learning Linux, and you can also find the interest to start learning Linux if you have never touched Linux before.

Introduction to Linux

Linux is a unix-like operating system that is free to use and spread freely. It is a multi-user, multi-task, multi-threading and multi-CPU operating system based on POSIX and Unix. And we often contact Windows belong to the operating system.

Linux is increasingly used as a server system, and it has become a must for testing, operations, and development.

First of all, let’s take a look at the current recruitment requirements of test engineers:

This picture is taken from the “dragnet”

Linux is often listed as a skill requirement for testing positions. It’s also common for job seekers to explicitly state their familiarity with Linux on their resumes, even if it’s not that familiar.

The above illustration implies that Linux proficiency, or even simple proficiency, is scarce in the tester community and is a measure of general competence.

Rome was not built in a day

Of course, learning Linux isn’t just a matter of watching or talking about it. It’s hard to really learn Linux without spending a lot of time and effort.

When learning any knowledge and skills, do not be afraid of a high threshold and high learning costs. Because the threshold is high, it is also a solid good thing. If the bar is low and others can easily acquire and learn, you have no advantage.

Having a high bar (which in most cases only appears to be high) means a lot of people will be excluded, and you have an advantage. To sum up, when developing a skill or ability, try to choose those with barriers, scarcity and technical barriers.

Third, the reason why the tester knows Linux

1. Expand your skill stack

For software testers, any product tested is based on an operating system, such as the common Windows, Android, Ios, Linux systems, etc. Proficiency in operating system itself is the basic skills of the tester. With the in-depth understanding and mastery of the operating system kernel, it is helpful to improve the testing ability, and also conducive to more in-depth testing.

Linux system is a completely different operating system from Windows system, and their design concept and kernel principle have huge differences. A kernel principle corresponds to its unique piece of heaven and earth. If you master an operating system, you will master that piece of heaven and earth under the operating system: processor management, memory management, file management, device management, security, kernel structure, system characteristics, etc. Mastering these things will not only increase your knowledge, but will also be a key step towards further development of your testing skills.

The Unix and Linux families are large enough that even the mobile operating systems IOS and Android are derived from Unix and Linux, respectively. If you know Linux, you’ll be familiar with Android, Ios, Mac OS X, etc. I am familiar with command line operation of Linux system, Android shell, ADB shell command and Mac OS X shell. Linux is also the best and most widely used server-side operating system.

So, mastering it is like acquiring a bunch of skills.

2. Change your operating and thinking habits

The graphical operation of Windows deeply affects testers, especially functional testers. From the moment we first touched a computer, until now, the graphical operation of Windows has become a habit of our subconscious mind.

Getting used to, or even comfortable with, graphical operations is, in the long run, a hindrance to the cultivation of testers’ own qualities.

The Linux command line changes your behavior and mindset. It enables your hands to work more closely and collaboratively to complete tasks better and faster.

The graphical interface is nice and easy to use, but the problem is solved by the command line.

3. Programming shortcuts

Not being able to program is a handicap if you want to become a tester with “money”. Familiarize yourself with the Linux command line, and you’ll have a natural affinity for all command line operations, even Windows DOS commands.

Almost every command (tool) in Linux is useful, and some are even powerful, such as AWK, sed, VIm, SAR, etc. Awk, for example, is often referred to as a programming language — a programming language for processing textual data.

In particular, functional testers have mastered Linux commands, which can be described as the most convenient and cost-effective way to open the door to programming, because the use of Linux commands is only half a step away from shell programming.

Here is a Linux learning roadmap

The Linux learning roadmap above clearly shows how and to what extent testers should learn Linux.

If there is a small partner or not clear, do not know how to learn, you can add our test exchange group: 680748947, learning progress together!

6 Reasons why you choose Linux (even if you’re not a tester)

First, high security

Under Linux, you don’t have to worry about viruses and backdoors because Linux’s architecture and software distribution mechanisms don’t allow viruses.

High availability

Linux is very stable. It doesn’t require you to reboot your computer with every update or patch, as Windows does, and it’s normal not to reboot your computer for years.

Three, easy maintenance

Maintaining the Linux operating system is easy, as is installing software on it, since each distribution has its own software center, which is compiled officially.

Support any hardware

From mainframes, mainframes, minicomputers, microcomputers, mobile phones, tens of dollars of embedded computers, can run complete Linux.

Five, the free

Linux is a completely free operating system that doesn’t cost anything.

Sixth, the open source

Don’t worry about backdoors, there are millions of programmers around the world who develop, maintain, and review these programs to make sure they work for you.

Five, the conclusion

Many people realize the importance and necessity of mastering Linux, but are slow to get started. These people always have one excuse or another. For example, it is not needed now, no time, no environment, etc.

Read the above content, do you have some heart?