Lebyte Education is a full-stack education institution integrating online education and offline training. Lebyte is committed to developing high-end IT technology, cultivating high-end IT talents, and enabling more people to receive better education.

For a long time, the profession of programmer was regarded as an ordinary mechanic, belonging to the worker stage. The biggest feeling was that this might be the first mechanic in civilization that could change an entire social hierarchy. In other words, the morale, skill and innovation of the workers in the past had little effect on the industrial level, because everyone’s work was fixed and simple. But programmers are different. A top-notch programmer with high morale and ability can handle 10 of them. So it subverts the traditional idea of “anyone can do it, if you quit”.

One of the interesting things about programmers is that they do things that have very high economies of scale — the bigger the scale, the lower the cost. For example: a programmer who develops a website for 1000 visits will cost 1000, but for 10000 visits it will cost about 1250, not 10 times. On the other hand, if you open a physical bookstore and employ 20 people, the cost is 1000, then you open another bookstore, the cost must become 2000, that is, almost doubled, the marginal effect of expansion is not very high. So where are the specific manifestations?


The supply side

There is a maxim: “The value an employee can produce determines the salary ceiling. Supply and demand determine the distance between the actual level and the ceiling. Wages in each industry are determined by the market, and demand and supply have to be analyzed. There are not many programmers in China, and it is said that only 2 million people can write programs in China (0.14% of the population), which is quite small.



Other industries are not so troublesome, there are always many people qualified for a position, more choices, the company can afford to lower wages. But when it comes to hiring programmers, the power to negotiate is in the hands of the programmer, who has no choice. Programmers are rare, and programmers who fit the requirements well are too rare to pass up. It’s true that programmers earn more than other professions, and it’s true. There is a joke before: ** “all you need to start a business is a programmer”; ** But what we don’t often hear is: “The only thing missing from everything is an accountant/administrative/mechanical design engineer.”



The marginal cost of software and Internet services is almost zero. Marginal cost is the cost of each additional unit produced. It includes the labor, materials and so on needed for production. The corresponding costs are called fixed costs, which are the costs that you have to pay no matter how many units you produce. Software and Internet services, which cost next to nothing for each person served, a little more electricity and Internet, can expand rapidly. This means that almost all of the revenue goes to the programmer. So salary ceilings in these industries are naturally higher than in others.



Programmers with a few years of experience and a set of skills can always find high-paying, rewarding jobs. Because they are rare animals. As long as there is a company in desperate need of that set of skills, the process is obvious. The problem is that more than one thinks they’re rare, so there’s a lot of poaching going on. So rare senior programmers can jump around, and companies compete for programmers instead of programmers competing to get in.


Technical barriers

Programmers can not be there to make up the number, can not pretend to fool around every day. Need real talent, need strong ability of self-study to be competent. There are technical barriers to being a programmer, so there’s not a lot of competition.


The circulation and transfer of wealth

Where else do IT and programmer profits come from besides innovation? It also comes from squeezing traditional industries. For example, to open a bookstore in the past, you need to hire 20 people and rent space, but now you only need 2 code farmers and 2 product managers to start an online book selling business. Code farmers and product managers earn more because the store’s revenue and profits are diverted to products. This is particularly true in America, where amazon’s market value has soared as traditional retailers and bookstores have closed and been decimated by amazon. These values are indeed stolen by the farmers, so eat a few more mouthfuls and don’t say “trade your life for money”. In the next decade, software, Internet, data, intelligence and other related fields will continue to be the trend of The Times. And the programmers and technicians who support these fields will still earn far more on average than other industries. Of course, if programmers sit around and copy and paste and write glue code all day. Looking forward to their salary is getting better and better, not eliminated by The Times, that is also a pipe dream.

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