Originally, I planned to publish a contributed article today, but I am in a good mood today, so I will write an original article for you.

Today is the first day of March. Mint will hold staff meeting on the first day of every month. In addition to the summary of each business in the last month and the plan for the next month, the most important thing in the staff meeting is the award. Mint has two awards a star each month, which are “Mint Innovation Award”,“Mint Team Award” and“Mint Star”, which is a great encouragement for outstanding performance, of course, if there is only honor without substantial reward is a rogue, the winner also has a cash award of 2000 dollars,The Mint Innovation Award and the Mint Team Award have 500 nominations, the biggestA Mint Star nomination is a $1,000 cash prize. And the reason I’m so happy today is because one of my buddies on the team got itBeing nominated for the Mint Star is more exciting than winning it myself, because I’ve won it all before, more than once, and now I just want the best people on my team to get it. It’s a recognition of my team.

Okay, here’s today’s main text, “Why do I keep blogging?”

I got to know Android at the end of 2011 when I took a test. I joined Minbo in early May 2012 and started to work on Android development. However, since I didn’t have any knowledge about computer, I only learned some basic knowledge by myself, and most of the time I just learned while doing, so my work efficiency was very low at the beginning. A lot of things were search and learn, because mobile development was new at that time and talent was scarce, so companies tolerated it. In this way to do more than half a year, always feel that their progress is very slow, at that time the company wrote blog, so the initiation of the idea of writing blog.

GitHub Pages

At that time, it was popular to open a blog on CSDN and Blog Park. However, I felt that clicking on a lot of advertisements on CSDN and blog Park made the reading experience very poor and seemed a little low. At the beginning, I thought whether I could set up a blog by myself. I was also working On Ruby On Rails at the time, so I could write my own blog, but it was a hassle to customize all the styles and stuff, until ONE day I talked to my colleagues and found out about GitHub Pages, which has various style templates and can be hosted for free. I signed up for GitHub in September 2012. Octopress was Octopress at the time and it took me a couple of days to get the blog right, but when it took off I knew this was the blog I wanted.

So my blog, the Timeline, I published my first blog, Octopress, on 21st November 2012, but over time it was Jekyll, so I switched back to Jekyll, took a simple theme, made some customizations of my own, which is what my blog looks like now, Hexo is currently the most popular, node-based framework with more speed and variety. If you want to build your own blog right now, Hexo is recommended.

Bloggers with attitude

After the blog was set up, I kept writing blog every week. No matter how busy I was, I was working On Ruby at that time, so I saw that the blog content was about Ruby On Rails at the very beginning, but it was not very good until the company restarted Android business, AND I volunteered to go back to Android. When I came back to do Android, I still encountered problems to search. At the beginning, I still used Baidu. At that time, there were few information about Android, and the things I searched were all the same, many blogs copied each other, and there was no verification and practice by myself. What I write must be something I have personally experienced or studied. This attitude has persisted until now, more than four years later.

I have been working hard and writing my blog carefully. Then one day I encountered a problem and searched Google. I found an article that was very familiar to me. So I searched the ID Stormzhang, and my blog address came out directly. I was really excited for several days, and my motivation to write high-quality blog improved.

Android learning road

By mid-2014, I had been working on Android for more than a year, and I felt that I had accumulated a lot of things. I had also self-taught myself and had gone through many detdettions. I thought it would be better to sort out and share these experiences to help more people, so the blog “Android Learning Road” was born. After the release of my blog in the micro-blog with @ several big V, did not expect this broke out, by all kinds of forwarding, may be so detailed, systematic learning Android blog look forward to too long, micro-blog fans also directly increased from dozens to thousands of people, that micro-blog reading volume reached 100W in a few days. Suddenly I was on fire, in the words of now I was the “net red”. Later, this article was reprinted by various major websites, and many people who have trained me told me that many trainers in training institutions follow my blog to explain. I received countless thank you letters from people, saying that my blog helped them a lot. To this day, I can’t count how many Android developers this blog has influenced.

People are red and wrong

When you’re famous, all kinds of things find you. For example, major publishers approached me and asked me to write a book on Android, and they helped me publish and promote it for free. I thought it was great at first, and I thought I’d write a book to raise my profile and make some money. But later learned that writing a book takes energy, and I don’t want to affect my work, is the beginning of the career development, energy or into the work and improve myself as well, the key press is the most offensive to me to write a book request has the certain page limit, because they are in accordance with the number of pages to pricing, they want to make money, you must set the price is high. This completely dispelled the idea that I had always believed that a good book should not be defined by the number of pages, and that it was best to have a concise expression that could be understood by others. So you can see that many books on the market are thick, wordy, and even use pictures to fill the pages. I don’t like this practice, so I choose to reject it.

Online education to the fire now, such as mu class, geek college, these early online video sites to find me, said let me record the video tutorials about Android, until now still in contact with me, give me a reward is not low, if I want, I can easily by recording video month many, video recording paid by the hour, so all kinds of requirements, I can’t speak too fast or too slow. I also need various editing and be serious. People who know me know that I am easy-going and humorous, but this style is not suitable for me, and it takes a lot of energy.

My personal style is relatively free, and I don’t like all kinds of restrictions. Now MINT’s flexible working system was put forward by me, so I don’t like to do anything that has restrictions on me. And I still want to put a lot of effort into my work at this time, and I will say no to side projects that require a lot of effort, even if it makes money.

Facebook invitation email

As a result, 9GAG, a small project on GitHub that teaches people how to use Android Studio and Gradle practice, was also noticed. This project is nothing now, but Android Studio was still in its infancy in China at that time. Information on this subject is really thin on the ground.

Around August 2014, I received an interview invitation from Facebook’s Android Team, which was a bit of a shock. Although I didn’t go to the interview, this event made me famous in the company. The company realized that I had reached this level and was no longer an unknown junior and intermediate Android programmer. After that, I was promoted and given a raise, and given more rights to manage the Android team. I guess it’s a bonus that I keep blogging.

Wechat official account

My blog has updated 144 articles so far. My “Android Studio tutorial series” should be regarded AS one of the earliest detailed AS tutorials in China. How many companies read my series of tutorials when preparing to use AS, and how many developers started to contact AS from my blog. To the extent that Android Studio is so popular in China, I should have helped. 16 at the start of the year, I decided to write an article on the public, on the one hand, because before the article is reproduced blog all not signed, let me has the consciousness to copyright issues, on the other hand, the public, launched a “praise”, “AD”, and other functions support to encourage the original author, suddenly feel like doing things, also can rely on him to earn extra money what is there against it?

About the exceptional

I didn’t know you were rightWhat is the attitude of the “tipping” function,“Reward” I did not put out of the time has been asked how I do not have this function, want to reward support, wait for me to have this function and put him out of the first dayI call on you“Strives for the exceptional one yuan, see sentiment”, then by the number of exceptional scared at night, the night have to admire the more than 200 people, of course, most of them are calls me to watch the 1 piece, after I didn’t ask you give me a reward, exceptional is voluntary and you think helpful to you at the table is the symbolic meaning of support and encouragement, I think the meaning of the exceptional is popularity, The amount depends on your own situation, do not want to see some poor students for pure support I gave a large reward.

In fact, I essentially of course hope to earn some pocket money through this public number, because I feel that by their own ability, sacrifice their spare time to share with you at the same time can have a little return is the best result, I think the most happy is not me, but my daughter-in-law. And if only by “reward” then I am afraid that my hope will be shattered, wechat has invited me to open the “main flow” function, after the application is passed you can help me click on the bottom of the advertisement, to earn those unscrupulous merchants of the money, ha ha, think happy. Occasionally, some partners will find me to release advertorials, which is also a channel, please understand and support more in the future.

Having said that, I know from my own experience that blogging, and keeping it up, has these advantages:

1. Summary of knowledge

You may have learned a skill or knowledge from your project, but writing a blog will reinforce what you learned, and not being able to write it yourself may indicate that you don’t understand the knowledge well enough.

2. Improvement of expression ability

Most programmers are not good at communication, because the expression ability is not good, but by insisting on writing blog, their expression ability and expression logic will slowly exercise, gradually will affect their communication ability, this POINT I deeply experience.

3. Interview bonus points

Suppose we interview two people at the same time, both of them have similar abilities, but one is a blogger and the other is not. I think I will preferentially choose the one who keeps blogging. He can stick to blogging, at least know that he is good at summing up experience, very diligent, because most people do not write blog is largely due to laziness.

4. Improve your writing

I believe that my writing ability should be better than most programmers. Do you agree?

5. Boost your reputation

If the sustainable production of high quality blogs, is more and more people know, the fame rises, fame has its value increased, I have deep feelings, since had fame, every day to receive each big headhunting, CEO, etc various superior conditions for the invitation, choose to accept or reject is one thing, but is there any invitation is another matter.

6. Earn extra cash

This is easy to understand, after having a reputation, you can have a way to earn all kinds of extra money, and itself is not shameful, not steal not rob, rely on their own technology to earn some pocket money there is no? For example, if I’m ever short of money (which I am), I can immediately put in some effort to make more money, but right now I’m doing it in a way that I like the most, and that’s the least constrained way.

Finally advise you, if you haven’t write a blog, it opened a blog, from now on out of the first step, if you have already started blogging, don’t entertain wild hope by writing a blog to make money, comfortable writing a blog to promote their ability, sum up experience, regard it as an investment in their own means, don’t put the wrong target, maybe one day you will suddenly found that, So you’ve come this far, and there’s a bonus!

Do not forget the original purpose, can always get!

“Read the original” jumped to my personal blog and thought it would be nice to bring me a fan.