Add micro to learn Python together, welcome to everyone’s advice, young white study. Mengy7762 【 Wei Xin (homonym) 】

Programming for any beginner is not an easy thing, especially in China, the basic C language as the first language of the country. Python is a boon for anyone who wants to learn to program. Reading Python code is like reading an article, because the Python language provides a very elegant syntax, which is called one of the most elegant languages. In general, it is shorter and more concise to write code in Python for the same function. In addition to its neat syntax, Python has a very strong community and resources, and with the wheels set by enthusiastic predecessors, your learning path will be very efficient.

If you could choose a programming language to get started in hacking, which one would be the best? Try Python. It might be a good idea to try it out

The advantages of Python

Today, Python is widely used in many fields. Thus, as a programming language, Python has many advantages. Its syntax is simple to learn, it supports multiple libraries, and the same code can run on multiple platforms.

The advantages of Python hacking

As a language for hacking, Python has many advantages, and beginners can get a head start on choosing it.

Python hacking purposes

Python provides a rich variety of modules that can be directly used in almost any area of hacking. For domains that are not provided by the hack module, the native API provided by the operating system can be invoked through cTypes. In short, you can use Python to attack almost any domain, such as applications, the Web, networks, systems, and so on. Here are some Python hacking techniques for each domain.

Application hacking: You can insert any DLL or source code into a running application and intercept user keyboard input to steal passwords. In addition, you can also insert the hacker attack code into the picture file, spread in the network.

Web Hacking Attacks: You can create Web crawlers, collect links contained in Web pages, implement SQL injection, and inject error code into parts that process user input. Using Python, you can implement simple Web browser functions by manipulating HTTP packages to upload files needed for Web shell attacks.

Network hacker attack: you can carry out network check points, search the open ports of the system, collect and analyze the data packets on the network, and carry out network sniffing. Camouflage server address, IP spoofing attack, illegal theft of sensitive information. It can also send a large number of data packets, the implementation of denial of service attack, so that the server is paralyzed, unable to provide normal external service. So if you want to learn Python, it is necessary to listen to the teacher’s class and get Python benefits. If you want to learn Python, you can go to the teacher’s Weixin: the first group is Mengy, the second group is 7762. Put the above two groups of letters together in order, and she will arrange the learning.

System hacking: Hackers can write backdoors to control the user’s PC and develop functions for searching and modifying the PC registry. You can also exploit an application error by attacking through buffer overflows or format strings.

How to Get Started in Python Quickly?

1. Choose the right tutorial

You need to build a framework in your head to learn the language. Reading a book or tutorial is a good choice.

Swaroop, C. H. Swaroop, C. H. Work as an introductory tutorial, because this book is relatively concise, suitable for beginners.

2, perceptual knowledge

Choose a complete set of videos to quickly get a feel for Python concepts to form an overall understanding. This process is also indispensable!

Learn the basics of Python

If you’ve learned the basics of Python, you can boast on your resume that you’ve mastered Python.

Python basics include syntax for using common built-in types (int, float, bool, bytes, STR, etc.), branching if-else loops, while iterating for, and def

Define functions, call functions, classes, exceptions, and so on.