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Turbo is not so much a framework as a back-end solution.

Background to the birth of Turbo

Tornado is an asynchronous, non-blocking Web server that is also a Web framework that is simple but fully functional.

The former company’s technology stack is Tornado, mongodb, Redis and OpenResty. The largest service serves millions of independent users every day. Most of the early projects were completely constructed in tornado’s most primitive way. A main file contains hundreds of routes, and all the handlers are distributed under dozens of large and small folders. The basic file structure of the project includes:

  • An abstract DAL layer (data abstraction)
  • Database Connection (DB)
  • The configuration (conf)
  • Tools (utils)
  • Cache (cache)
  • Third-party Libraries (Lib)

As a project grows in code, multiple feature developments often occur at the same time, and developers often have to be very careful about code changes. Even so, conflicts often occur, and the code becomes less and less maintainable and robust.

Due to the rapid business growth of start-up companies, multiple business lines go hand in hand, and the development team often has to maintain many projects. Some projects have a short life cycle and are finished in one activity; some projects have to be completed with the completion of external cooperation; some projects serve new products and need to be built quickly. Different projects are created by different developers. The basic way to create projects is to copy old projects, which are primitive and error-prone. Differences in project structure between different projects As the business changes, the differences become more and more prominent, and there is more and more repetitive functional and tool code.

In this context, issues affecting back-end development efficiency and quality can be abstracted as follows:

  • Large projects have many routes, which are not easy to manage and change
  • The project catalog is not layered enough and collaborative development is difficult
  • Builds have no standards, are chaotic, and are poorly maintainable
  • Repeatable code can be shared poor, not easy to plug
  • Tornado was born primitive, without Session, database connection, supporting mongodb ORM, cache management, RESTFul and other rich features, which were supplemented by improving development efficiency.

Turbo was created to solve these problems, so Turbo is more like a solution.

What features does Turbo have

  • Project building tool, one click to generate project directory and APP structure
  • Session provides flexible interfaces and allows you to customize storage modes
  • Simple mongodb ORM, very simple and even crude compared to Mongoose, but sufficient
  • Rich and highly uniform directory division, no matter how big the project
  • Code pluggable, easy to transplant, easy to maintain
  • It makes it easy to implement RESTFul apis
  • Flexible route organization structure facilitates route reconstruction and search

The key to build

Directory structure generated by one key, no longer copied from the old project, consistent structure, highly unified, strong maintainability.


With its own Session, the storage mode can be changed freely, and the flexibility is strong.

Simple mongodb ORM

ORM provides the most basic collection structure to code mapping, table structure is clear, add, delete and change can flexibly define data consistency check.

Rich directory structure partition

The role and hierarchy of each directory structure is strictly defined, providing a variety of directory divisions required by the average large project

├ ─ ─ the README. Md ├ ─ ─ app - server ├ ─ ─ the config ├ ─ ─ the db ├ ─ ─ helpers ├ ─ ─ lib ├ ─ ─ models ├ ─ ─ script ├ ─ ─ service ├ ─ ─ store ├ ─ ─ a task ├ ─ ─ utilsCopy the code

The code is pluggable and portable

Apps ├ ─ ─ just set py ├ ─ ─ app │ ├ ─ ─ just set py │ ├ ─ ─ app. Py │ ├ ─ ─ base. Py │ ├ ─ ─ setting. Py ├ ─ ─ base. Py ├ ─ ─ Settings. PyCopy the code

Each business APP has the same structure. The configuration and business code are distributed at different levels as the business needs. The more abstract the code, the higher the level, for example, global legitimacy check can be placed in apps/ For example, the login logic can be placed in apps/app/ If the business changes, the business directory APP can be fully portable.

All business apps must be registered under apps/ to take effect.

RESTFul api

All methods supported by the HTTP protocol can be case-sensitive in Turbo to implement normal page render and interface apis

def get(self):
    def GET(self):
    self._data = {'username': 'zhyq0826'}
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Flexible routing

Routing is provided immediately following the business code

  • register_group_urls
  • register_url

There are two ways to register routes

register.register_group_urls('', [
    ('/', app.HomeHandler),
    ('/index', app.HomeHandler, 'index'),
    ('/hello', app.HomeHandler, 'home'),
register.register_url('/v1/hello', app.ApiHandler)
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You can easily change routing rules.

Integrate many useful features

The practical development of mongodb and Tornado has encountered various problems, so Turbo itself has integrated many small functions during the development process, which is very practical.

1. You can use the command line to generate indexes for all collections

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turbo-admin index 
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2. The state and event distribution mechanism similar to Flux can be very convenient to manage and change the state of global variables. This feature can be used for request statistics, function call statistics and other aspects

from turbo.flux import Mutation, register, State
mutation = Mutation(__file__)
state = State(__file__)
def increase_rank(rank):
    return rank+1
    def dec_rank(rank):
    return rank-1
    from turbo.flux import Mutation, register, dispatch, register_dispatch
import mutation_types
def increase(rank):
    def decrease(rank):
    return dispatch('user', mutation_types.DECREASE, rank)
    def inc_qps():
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3. The mongodb read and write call hook. With this hook, the status of the mongodb read and write call can be counted

def collection_method_call(turbo_connect_ins, name):
    def outwrapper(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if name in turbo_connect_ins._write_operators:
                turbo_connect_ins._model_ins.write_action_call(name, *args, **kwargs)
            if name in turbo_connect_ins._read_operators:
                turbo_connect_ins._model_ins.read_action_call(name, *args, **kwargs)
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return outwrapper
    class Model(object):
    def write_action_call(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        """        execute when write action occurs, note: in this method write action must be called asynchronously        """
    def read_action_call(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        """        execute when read action occurs, note: in this method read action must be called asynchronously        """
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4. The logger name can be generated based on the path where the log file resides, and the logger path, level, and name can be customized

from turbo.util import getLogger
logger = getLogger(__file__)
logger = getLogger('feed', log_level=logging.DEBUG, log_path='/var/log/feed.log')
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5. String mongodb data

from turbo.util import to_str, to_list_str, to_dict_str, json_encode
data  = json_encode(to_str(db.collection.find()))
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6. Fast parameter extraction and conversion

_get_params = {
    'need': [
        ('skip', int),
        ('limit', int),
    'option': [
        ('did', basestring, None)
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You can call self.parameters to extract the parameters. If the required parameters do not exist or the conversion is wrong, the value is None. Optional parameters can specify default values.

assert self.parameters['skip'] == 0
assert self.parameters['did'] == None
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The wheel Turbo was built in time

Turbo has been in production for nearly a year, with the largest project having over a million unique users per day, and more than a dozen large and small projects using Turbo at the back end. Turbo passed its initial test.

Compared with the front end, the wheel at the back end is far less fast and fierce than the latter. The back end needs long-term hone and carving, every bit needs to be tempered by business and baptism of data, so as to gradually become a weapon to solve specific problems. The creation of the wheel should grasp the opportunity, with the trend and hair. Too early, the wheel is not sound enough, solve the problem is not thorough enough, it is difficult to promote the use of, or even may become a stumbling block, too late, many problems have led to code overwork, want to completely cure, the price is not cheap.

Turbo was created to solve the problems that Tornado and mongodb apps face when dealing with large code size and multi-player collaboration. It stands on a very practical footing. It is not showy or pompous.

Turbo’s utility is what makes it gorgeous.

  • Warehouse address: Github
  • QQ group communication: 387199856