Hello, I’m your cat brother, a super cat who doesn’t like fish or cats


Cat brother is a cat person who has been on GitHub for many years, so he has found a lot of good open source front-end projects, and I would like to share them with you.

Public account: Front-end GitHub, focus on mining GitHub excellent front-end open source projects, collect, organize, recommend the industry high-quality front-end resource collection, excellent tools, libraries, good tutorials, understand the industry better code, tools, the latest technology in the industry, smooth your front-end information asymmetry.

How to find a good open source project? Check out this article: GitHub Mining Tips – How to Find a Good Open source Project

Here are the highlights of GitHub’s 9th installment.

These days a simple arrangement of their daily frequently used tool website, good to share with friends!

So here are 10 of GitHub’s most popular online front-end utilities that finally give you time to get to work

Meow ~ meow ~ meow ~ the text is about to start, get on the car and sit tight

1. LightHouse

LightHouse is an open source automation tool designed to improve the quality of web applications.

You can run it as a Chrome extension or from the command line.

When you give Lighthouse a url to review, it runs a series of tests against that page, and then generates a report on the page’s performance.

Let the developers according to the generated page performance report, to optimize and improve the site, improve the user experience.

Look at the failed tests to see what you can do to improve your application.

It gives you advice on how to handle images, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT files, as well as how to use HTML tags, caching, and so on, so you can optimize your site.


2. Can I Use

This is a website for front-end developers to query CSS, Js in popular browser clock features and compatibility, can be very good to ensure the browser compatibility of web pages.

With this tool, you can quickly see how your code looks in each browser.

For example, query the browser support for Transform:

Another example is browser support for proxy:


3. Carbon

Carbon is an online code-to-picture tool.

You’ve seen a lot of people’s blogs with pictures of code like this, right?

Carbon makes it easy to create beautiful images for your code.


  • Import GitHub Gist. Just add a Github GIST ID to the end of the URL to import it

  • Customization. can be customized image syntax theme, window style and so on

  • You can share what you see with the click of a mouse

However, there is a disadvantage is the domestic Internet access, copy the image is very slow.


4. ios font

IOS font query and IOS font query are supported.


5. Web secure color query

Web color To allow users to see the same color of the web pages, please try to use 216 color Web security color.


6. TinyPNG

PNG/JPG image online compression tool, smart PNG and JPEG image compression.

TinyPNG uses intelligent lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files. By selectively reducing the color in the image, only a few bytes are needed to save the data. The visual impact is almost invisible, but there is a huge difference in file size.


7. Qr code generator

Straw TWO-DIMENSIONAL code generator, I believe many people have used.

There are also many commonly used tools:


8. Shape Divider

SVG tool for customizing various shapes of web site partitions. Once you have adjusted the shape you want, you can copy and download it with one click.


9. Json formatting

This is a json online parsing site, is one of my most frequent use of the site.

Functions include: JSON online parsing, JSON formatting, JSON format verification, JSON to XML, XML to JSON, JSON compression, JSON escape, JS obconfusion encryption, JSON to entity, JSON online, JSON verification.


10. sojson

This is a website with a lot of features!

For example, the front-end WEB tools include the following tools:

And there’s more:

  • JSON online tools: JSON online parsing, JSON formatting, JSON comparison, and JSON compression
  • Encryption/decryption: online encryption/decryption encryption | | JS JS decryption | | | AES DES MD5 | Base64
  • Compression/formatting: online compression/formatting/beautification | JSON | JS | Java HTML | | SQL
  • Development documentation: Development documentation /API documentation
  • Front-end WEB tools/front-end tools
  • Online translation: online conversion | unit conversion switch | | data format conversion
  • Qr code: qr code generation | qr code parsing dynamic qr code | | qr code beautification
  • Regular expressions: regular expression test tools | | regular expressions, a regular expression tutorial
  • Webmaster tools: the record query | SEO inspection | HTTPS | WeChat proof sealing inspection | DNS | generated by Robots
  • HTTP: HTTP simulation request test tools | | HTTP HTTP protocol | GET/POST
  • Mortgage calculation tool mortgage calculator latest mortgage calculator | | 2020 mortgage rates
  • Tools: life time | calendar | | holiday stuff | speed measurement | weather
  • Modified image: on-line modification change | | pictures size image compression | beautification | batch processing | image watermarking images
  • JS encryption, decryption/JS: JS decryption encryption | | JS JS beautification | JS formatting | JS confusion


11. Webmaster tools

Webmaster tool is the necessary tool of webmaster.

Often on webmaster tools can understand SEO data changes.

Can also detect the site dead links, spider access, HTML format detection, site speed test, link check, site domain IP query.

SEO related classes have WHOIS query, DNS query expired domain name query, NsLookup query, domain name deletion time record query delete domain name archiving record batch query, in addition, there are IP classes, Baidu related, speed/monitoring, web page related, website optimization personnel must.


The last

Recently, working overtime is a little serious, and I often get off work at more than 11 o ‘clock at night, so the article updates a lot slower.

Because the article comes out in the evening, an article takes liver several nights to go, liver arrived here, already passed zero morning, alas.

As a working cat, life is not easy!

Lu Xun once said in Diary of a Madman: “What can beat me is women and alcohol, not overtime.”

When I was in the dark, those words always made me see the light.

Finally with a very healing picture to heal a tired mind.

Well, we’re done with GitHub episode 9.

The warehouse below is dangerous, please enter carefully!

Original address: github.com/FrontEndGit…

How to find a good open source project on GitHub and tips on how to use GitHub to do a good search.

Can add super cat wX: CB834301747, chat together front-end GitHub.

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Search “Front-end GitHub” on wechat and reply “e-book” to get 160 front-end essence books.

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