Some time ago, a former Ali P7 engineer came to the department of the company and was directly parachuted into the Android development Department as the department manager. A month later, he presented an Android system outline to the department and also sorted out a note on the core knowledge points of Android, which really helped colleagues in the department a lot. Today I would like to share with my friends! I think it might be helpful.

Since the notes have been sorted into PDF, the content is too large, and the space does not allow only screenshots to show the essence. If you need the complete version of notes, you can click on my GitHub for free.

1. Essential skills for architects to build foundations

  • Dive into Java generics
  • The explanation is simple
  • Concurrent programming
  • .

Ii.Android framework architecture

  • Advanced UI Promotion
  • Android Component kernel
  • IPC is a must for large projects
  • Data persistence
  • Framework Kernel Parsing
  • .

Iii.360° full performance tuning

  • Design ideas and code quality optimization
  • Program performance optimization
  • Optimization of development efficiency
  • .

Interpretation of open source framework

  • Thermal repair design
  • Plug-in framework design
  • Component frame design
  • Picture loading Framework (Glide)

  • Network access framework design
  • RxJava responsive programming framework design
  • IOC Architecture Design
  • Android architecture component Jetpack

5.NDK module development

  • NDK basic knowledge system
  • Underlying image processing
  • Audio and Video development

Six Flutter.

  • Why is Flutter the ultimate cross-platform choice
  • Build Flutter development environment on Windows
  • .

The above is the new department manager, the former Ali P7 architect, sorted out the Android core knowledge notes, up to 998 pages, the key points of Android development are planned out, there is a need for complete documentation of partners can click hereGitHubFree access to..

Over the years of Android development, more than 95 percent of the Android developers I’ve talked to have the following Achilles heel!

First, weak technical foundation:

I have a poor foundation and only experienced quick-service technical training. I lack systematic learning experience and do not have a deep understanding of principles and underlying development.

Ii. Fragmentary project experience:

My work content is simple development of adding, deleting, changing and checking. I have experienced very little project user usage, but I have not experienced complete large-scale project development.

Lack of experience in major projects:

I have worked in small software companies or outsourcing companies for a long time, with a narrow technical vision and slow ability improvement.

Iv. No breakthrough for a long time:

Although the working hours were long, I almost repeated the work of the first year for N years, lacking core competitiveness.

If these are the same problems that keep you from getting a raise or getting a job elsewhere. Then I’m sure you’ll be able to break through this Android core notes! If you happen to need the full Android Core Knowledge Notes PDF,You can enter the express pick-up channel here for free.

In addition, xiaobian hands also sort out a lot of 2020 BAT factory interview analysis is also to share with you, Android architect road is very long, together with the mutual encourage!

If you need the full interview notes, just support this article.

Quick Access: Download it here! Sincerity full!!

Sorting is not easy, feel helpful friends can help like share support small series ~

Your support, my motivation; I wish you a bright future and continuous offer!!