35 years old, in the vast universe, perhaps small, but for life, it is so important. Just ask how many 35 years of your life you can spend. Programmer, a magical industry, from birth to now, never lack of topics. Like many professional athletes, the industry is a youth industry, and 35 can be a watershed moment for programmers. There are some questions we have to consider.

The first problem is the body. As a developer, it is inevitable to work overtime, especially in the early stage of the project online, the whole person’s nerves collapse only, just like the arrow on the string, ready to go at any time, the body is also inevitable to be destroyed, because xiaobian has a deep experience. “Back then, vigorous, strong, against the wind urine three zhang; But now lian Po is old, dejected, and wet his shoes.”

Can not help but let a person sigh: my youth never come back. Speaking of youth, I suddenly recalled my good and warm college days: every weekend, I would get together with all my roommates, turn off the light, gather around the computer and watch movies together (don’t think about it, pure as ME, you know). I remember watching a movie called “The Girl we chased together in those years”. My roommate sighed a lot and wrote a note to record it afterwards. Excited heart, trembling hands, while the roommate is not, I secretly looked over, open the notes, a line of eye-catching title came into sight: those years, we played together the rascal! As for the content, I will not tell you, because words can not describe my mood at this moment, please look at the big screen:

Ah, after reading the notes, xiaobian could not help but sigh: are men, why can’t like me a little more mature?

The second problem is family. When I wrote my composition in high school, I always said that home is a warm harbor and a haven of the soul. But one day, we found that the former accompany us grows with our parents are no longer young, they also need someone to take care of, we may feel long time, but “the trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside, to raise and kiss the son not to be”, we should not let these things become our regret, and maybe we can start a family later, will have their own children, When they are educated like us, maybe our stress will really show.

Before CHATTING with my friends, I asked why people work so hard to make money. I didn’t know why at that time. Now I think maybe the following is my answer: Because I don’t want their future children like I had nothing, see oneself to like think twice about but expensive things are timid, do not want parents age large body is bad because they had no money and to endure the pain of too much, do not want the family contradictions because of money, do not want to own another companion after what they want, or other girls have for her.

Therefore, while young, we should accumulate more, as the saying goes: there is no hell, how can there be the power to create heaven; No bloody fingers, how can play the world’s swan song. In my opinion, age is not the biggest obstacle to the development of programmers, but if your experience and age do not match, maybe we will also face the day of elimination. Planning for a rainy day is probably the best answer.