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5.1 Purely technical Route According to Schuber’s theory of career stages, the age of 31 to 44 is a safe period for programmers to settle down in a job, find appropriate promotion channels, and establish their future security.

Combined with the threshold of 35 years old, we should be in 35 years old before, as far as possible to find the right next home, these next home has pure technology rise channel.

It is obvious that only big companies can have pure technological ascent, such as Alibaba, and small and medium-sized companies are unlikely to have it. Therefore, students who take this road should try every means to enter a big company and stabilize it.

How to get into a big company, I gave you the path that a programmer can take in a previous article, and I copied it here, so if you read it, you can skip to the next one.

Social students actually have an advantage, because in the case of already have work experience, education is not so important, at least unlike school recruitment, direct machine screening to screen out, social students can have the following ways to enter the big company.

5.1.1 Socializing, networking and Pushing from within Do you know the rule of six? That is to say want to know any person in the world, through the bridge of up to six people can know!!

This is the importance of the circle and network, you have classmates, friends, colleagues, any one of them entered a big company, can promote you, and when promoting, can skip HR, directly to their supervisor.

Every had done the person in charge to be able to have experience, do not see monk face to see buddhist face, also can give you an interview opportunity, can let you come over to chat, otherwise, he cannot explain to the person that pushes you inside!

Therefore, with classmates, friends, colleagues in good relations, need!

5.1.2 Rely on headhunter If you do not have those contacts, it does not matter, there are plans, go to the headhunter, headhunter is very easy to find, resume sent to the hunting recruitment website, there will be headhunter to find you.

While the headhunter will work with many large companies and will naturally get your resume there, there are two key requirements:

Need to go normal process, first by corresponding company HR screening, to the department supervisor, no advanced placement may search doesn’t value you, basically see your resume content, namely personal strength, so this part will also have to depend on oneself, how to depend on oneself, the third 5.1.3 on their own In fact, no matter what walk shortcut to enter the interview process at the interview in addition to myself, No one can help you, so how to improve yourself is a very, very important part. In addition, need to pay attention to, in their own learning, to have the direction, on the one hand to enhance the reputation, make resume shine, on the one hand in-depth study, to have real ability.

1. Boost your reputation and make your resume shine

This part is still about getting into the interview and improving your reputation in the industry. There are three ways to improve your reputation in the computer industry.

(1) Github submits MergeRequest and builds its own wheels

In all the technical interview process, github submitted open source projects, is a very powerful presence, as long as you put a Github address on your resume, all the technical interviewers and resume screeners will look at your code, directly judging your technical strength.

And its popularity and star count can increase your industry influence, which is a very shining presence on your resume.

If they happen to have your open source component in their project, congratulations, this time it’s mostly over.

If your open source component is popular, congratulations, and expect a private message from a big company. You’re going to get snapped up, and who cares about your degree anymore?

(2) Write a blog and a book

Keep writing blog, when they can often search your blog, they will recognize your influence and technical strength, in the field of computer, many people rely on blog, such as Hongyang, Guo Lin and so on, including me. You think they’re just going to get the publishers to write?

It is the continuous output of blog, blog attention more, publishing house think you write good, will take the initiative to find you, invite you to write a book.

Writing a blog or a book can give you a standing in your industry, and when they see your name on a resume, it makes them feel like they’re awesome and care about your degree.

I am the beneficiary of writing a blog and a book. When I interviewed VIVO, MY performance was not good, because I started my business for one year, I never reviewed the knowledge of Android, and a lot of knowledge was forgotten. I was asked to go to the interview before reviewing it.

They thought I was a particularly powerful person, arranged for three technical experts to meet at the same time, but the result was nothing. But, in the end, they gave me the OFFER. Because they recognized that my ability is enough, but time passed too long, some forgotten, pick up good. On the contrary, if there is no influence of this industry, that is definitely hung up this time.

(3) The most fundamental: in-depth study, improve ability

In front of the method of how to improve the influence of the industry, but the fundamental fundamental, or to improve their own strength, because in the interview, is to face the technology, all the outer packaging will be exposed, in-depth technical review can only rely on everyone.

5.2 Technical management route: from small management to large management and then to CTO. Say something simple, is to manage the route all the way to black.

Since ancient times in China, there has been an official standard of thinking. But is that really true in technical roles?

For technical jobs, if you don’t code for two years, your coding skills are basically gone. It’s almost impossible to find a development job right now.

So, technical positions can be transferred to managerial positions, and vice versa. We all experienced the wave of layoffs in 2018 and 2019. In 2018, it was particularly severe. Many companies cut departments one by one, while some departments left only a few people in operation and maintenance.

And the first of these layoffs is pure management, the absence of skin, a blessing in disguise?

And technical personnel can look for a job directly, although difficult to look for, but cannot bear post much. What about management? It is much harder, because management is soft power and there are fewer jobs, even fewer when layoffs come. The e technical post through the technical interview, can directly understand your level, management is different. It has no way of understanding your strengths through the interview, and the achievements you list may be directly related to the environment and the company you work for, rather than reflecting your value.

So do management, but don’t give up technology by any means. No matter when, leave a life saving ability!! 5.3 Can job transfer development not be done for a long time in other industries? In fact, the entire Internet industry has an age limit, if most of the old programmers can reach 35, then other positions can not support to 45.

However, due to a long period of time, there are always opportunities. Moreover, as a technical background, I have a better understanding of the technical implementation series, and I may be able to achieve a second career.

Programmers can go to development test, product, operations, project manager.

[Development and Testing] : Because of the code experience, it is advantageous to transfer to the development and testing post, and it is easy to be promoted to the management post. Note that the development test post is completely different from the test post. The development test has a certain threshold, involving test tool development, unit test cases, etc., which is for the code level testing. And test post criterion is completely different, it is the point check that is aimed at software function, pass according to test use case one by one, do not deal with code, threshold is relatively low. The lower the threshold, the greater the competitiveness!! So, choose development testing.

【 】 product manager: programmer should be transferred at least more than 60%, is choose this job, first of all, we are dealing with product development, to what they are doing is relatively understanding, secondly, we understand technology, can understand the form of products, the lack of just products thinking, so, transfer products for relatively easy, and product line professional life is long, Experience accumulates, and you can make it to 40 without a problem.

Suggest everybody turns post inside the company first, go looking for a job to estimate directly more difficult, also it doesn’t matter good next home, because be in this domain, you are a small white.

After two years of work in their own company, with certain experience, plus their own so many years of code experience, it is not a problem to find a product work, and products are not like technology, not so hard indicators, many things are soft strength, as long as you can blow in the interview, it is relatively easy to enter a big company.

[Operation position] : This position is completely irrelevant to the code, your code ability is completely useless, programmers transfer operation is relatively few, but if you really think you have talent in this aspect, such as your own short video account traffic is very good, you can also try.

[Project Manager] : Project manager is mainly responsible for project control. In fact, if you have this ability, why choose project manager? Just do technical management. Project manager positions are relatively few, because small and medium-sized companies do not need project managers, direct technical leadership. Project managers are only available if there are a large number of projects that involve collaboration and communication between projects. Moreover, a project manager is responsible for several projects at once, which is not as easy as you might think. The most important thing is that there are few pits, which means it is hard to find a job.

For instance we say big age programmer is bad to look for a job, but cannot bear somebody else pit much, cast ten face ten originally, cast ten face three now, also be some face, but you total only ten company have this profession, how do? So, be careful about transferring this position. Don’t believe it? Boss straight hire on search search.

5.4 Find a Job that Can Support Your Retirement This kind of job is what we call the iron rice bowl, including civil servants, institutions, teachers and so on. There’s nothing to say. It’s a matter of personal choice. It would be nice to go. But for me, my character is not suitable, I like to rush, like to fight, do not like stability.

5.5 open up a second career/entrepreneurship programmer salary is high, such as really stem can not move, at least also nearly 40 bar, that day primitive accumulation is always a little hungry, their own stem a small business, but also can.

But I don’t recommend it!! Programmers deal with code all the year round, for many external things actually do not understand, the failure rate of entrepreneurship is too high, an obvious data, can survive a year of start-ups, only 10%, can survive three years of start-ups, only 1%!! Do you really think you can start a business when you’re old enough? Careful wife and child follow you suffer!! When the father to know the great father’s love, I would rather eat bran swallow vegetables, also do not want to let the child a little bit of damage. I believe all parents share this mindset.

Here I recommend you a safe path, which IS what I am taking: to do a second job, which day does not move, can have a continuous source of income, not capital chain fracture. At least you can get by with your wife and kids tight. The discussion on how to choose a second career is explained in detail in the following article, which is directly copied here. As for other career advice, you have to read it yourself.

A second job, a side job, a part-time job. Why do a second job, is to enhance the ability to resist risks in life. If you only put money on your job all your life, how long can you support yourself if you are suddenly laid off or fired one day and your capital chain is broken and you cannot find a job immediately? Especially those who have married and settled down, that fear should haunt me more than once.

In this world, there are two types of occupations: predictable and unpredictable. A predictable job is one in which the value of your efforts is predictable. For example, if you work part-time baking pancakes, you can’t earn 50, 000 a day no matter how hard you work. Jobs like ours are predictable, and you can’t suddenly become rich. But one of the most important things about predictable careers is that it’s very hard work. You can’t get rich overnight, but you can work your way up slowly.

Unpredictable occupation refers to the occupation with a large proportion of opportunities, such as a writer who is tired to write a book, he does not know whether it is a breakout or still unknown, such as singers, film workers are in this category. But these careers are highly opportunistic, and you can make more money in one year than you would have made in years, or you can do nothing in a long time.

If you’re looking for a job, I suggest you take a predictable career that pays well and doesn’t starve to death. We won’t get rich overnight, but through hard work, we can gradually increase our salary and make our life better.

If it’s a part-time job, I suggest you do something unexpected. If you have a chance, you can try to do something for the general public, such as Tiktok, writing software, making small programs, etc. One day it may suddenly become popular and you will never have to work again.

Some students like to do part-time outsourcing, which I can’t understand. If they give you shares, it is ok to do outsourcing, but if they simply outsource code and pay you money, it may not be worth the loss. You waste so much energy and you only get money once, and when you spend it, you never get it again. Of course, all of the unpredictable career advice is based on subsistence. If you’re struggling in life, find a way to earn some money on the side.

Don’t let the future you, hate the present yourself, come on.