The Polkadot community should have received a message yesterday: Gavin has officially announced the timing of the Kusama auction, and the Kusama network is now open for crowdlending. Boca Ecological projects have been gearing up to publicize the parallel chain auction, which was prepared in advance, and attract more community members to participate.

On Boca, developers can build their desired blockchain based on the Substate framework, achieving chain-level innovation. However, the development difficulty of writing a chain and the cost of slot shooting are too high, so millions of DOT/KSM are required to be pledged. If the project party bid the parallel chain slot, it can only be unlocked after the slot lease term, and the lease term of parallel chain slot will be at least half a year in rotation.

By using smart contract, the resource of a parallel chain can be auctioned off in real time at the granularity of each block according to Gas price. Low deployment difficulty, low running costs, and composability across different business scenarios. The Boca platform designed by Gavin Wood can accommodate a variety of smart contract technologies to form the richest technological diversity and achieve a heterogeneous multi-chain state. It can not only absorb existing ecology, but also carry out new innovation at low cost.

Palm-contracts at Boca are the most original Wasm Contracts, which can give full play to the most direct performance of virtual machines. Currently, the Boca native Wasm contract model and the INK based Rust! Language framework, but not very mature.

As the provider of Wasm contract technology in Boca Ecology, Patract started Jupiter, a test chain, and developed the Redspot development scaffolding, a javascript-based automated test environment, to provide a basic node environment. And Ask, which can write complex contracts such as ERC20 and ERC721 through AssemblyScript. Contract framework and so on, to meet the needs of developers to use Substate to build their desired blockchain, to achieve chain-level innovation.

When should you build Substrate Runtime Modules instead of Substrate smart contracts? Here’s what one developer at said:

Substrate Smart Contract

SubstrateRuntime Modules and Substrate smart contracts are two different approaches to building “decentralized applications” using Substrate frameworks.

Traditional smart contract platforms allow users to publish additional logic on top of some core blockchain logic. Because smart contract logic can be published by anyone, including malicious actors and inexperienced developers, many intentional protections are built around the smart contract platform. Some examples include:

Fees: Ensure that contract developers are paid for the calculations and storage they perform on the computer running the contract, and do not allow abuse of block creators. Sandbox: Contracts cannot directly modify the core blockchain store or the store of other contracts. Its functionality is limited to the ability to modify its own state and make external calls to other contract or runtime functions. State rent: Contracts occupy space on the blockchain and should therefore be charged for simple existence. This ensures that people do not take advantage of “free, unlimited storage”. Revert: Contracts are prone to logical errors. Contract developers have low expectations, thus adding additional overhead to support resuming a transaction if it fails, and thus not updating the status in case of a problem.

These different costs make running contracts slower and more expensive, but again, the “target audience” of contract development is different from that of Runtime developers.

Contracts allow the community to scale and develop on top of your Runtime logic without going through all the crazy proposals, runtime upgrades, etc…… It can even be used as a testing basis for future runtime changes, a way to somehow insulate your network from any growth pains or errors that might occur.

In summary, Substrate smart contract:

  • Intrinsically safer for the network;
  • Establishing economic incentives to prevent abuse;
  • There is computational overhead to support elegant failures in logic;
  • Low entry barrier to development;
  • Implement fast-paced community interaction through playground to write new logic.

Runtime Modules

On the other hand, Runtime Modules don’t offer the protection or security that smart contracts offer you. As a runtime developer, the barrier to entry for generating code becomes higher and higher.

You have complete control over the underlying logic that every node on the network will run, you have complete access to every storage item in all modules that you can modify and control, and even break your chain with incorrect logic or poor error handling.

Substrate Runtime Module is developed to produce lean, high-performance, and fast nodes. It does not provide any protection or overhead for transaction recovery, and does not implicitly introduce any expense system into node calculations running on the chain. This means that when you develop Runtime functions, you need to properly evaluate and charge for the different parts of runtime logic so that they don’t get abused by bad actors and damage your network.

In summary, SubstrateRuntime Module:

  • Providing low-level access to the entire blockchain;
  • Eliminates the overhead of built-in security to improve performance;
  • Set a high bar for developers;
  • Don’t write working code, but avoid writing broken code;
  • There is no intrinsic economic incentive to exclude bad actors.

Choose the right tool for you

Substrate Runtime Modules and Substrate Smart contracts are tools you can use to solve problems.

There may be some degree of overlap in the kinds of problems each person can solve, but there is also a clear set of problems that only fit one of the two. Two to take just one example in each category:

  • Runtime Modules: Build a privacy layer on top of blockchain transactions.
  • Sharing: Building dapps like Cryptokitties, which may require building a community of users (leaning toward smart contracts), or may need to scale to millions of transactions per day (leaning toward Runtime Module)
  • Smart contracts: Bring layer 2 tokens and custom assets into your network.

In addition to everything written above, you also need to consider the cost of setting up your DApp using some kind of tool. Deploying a contract is a relatively straightforward process because you can leverage your existing network. Your only cost is what you pay for deployment and maintenance contracts.

On the other hand, building your own blockchain requires building a community, finding value in your services, or building a private network with cloud computing systems and general network maintenance overhead.

It’s really the first time I’ve seen how easy and approachable the build Runtime logic has become. In the past, everyone used the tools available to them — smart contracts — to build their “decentralized application ideas,” even if it wasn’t the best tool to work with.

With the introduction of Substrate, there is a new tool for building your decentralized application; But again, it’s a mistake to think that all your ideas should be a Substrate Runtime Module.

Instead, as a community, we had two tools for the first time, and we needed to work together to figure out what was best for each scenario. I don’t think all the answers exist today, but we can learn and make some educated guesses along the way.

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About Patract

Patract provides solutions for parallel chain and DApp development in boca’s Wasm contract ecosystem. We help the community design and develop on-chain contract module and Runtime support, and provide DApp developers with a full stack of tools and services covering the development, testing, debugging, deployment, monitoring, data provisioning, and front-end development phases.

How to join Patract

1. For contract developers, visit the official website ( to familiarize yourself with the test chain and tool suite. Element (app.element. IO /#/room/#Pat… Discord (Discord. Gg /wJ8TnTfjcq) Welcome to Patract Open Platform wechat account

2. Welcome to Patract open platform: for parallel chain projects that will integrate the functionality of the Wasm contract, or DApp projects developed using the Wasm contract

3. For users, welcome to join: Telegram ( Patract) Twitter (…

4. For job seekers, we are recruiting blockchain development engineers, front-end/full stack development engineers, product managers and other positions, you can contact [email protected]