How Kevin changed the worldHow Kevin changed the world


I have been sharing cases and some replications in the product. Today, I’d like to take the time after work to talk with you about “when did you start on the product road?”

The position of product manager could have appeared 10 years ago, but after the popularity of product manager on the Internet rose sharply in 2016, the number of practitioners affecting product manager also exploded. The lukewarm product manager was pushed to the climax due to his personal spirit and feelings, such as “Steve Jobs changed the world”.

You can see the popularity of keywords from Baidu Index search “product manager” surge in 2016. It showed rapid growth in 2018.

1 q

Did you meet the product manager?

Engaged in products you know, there is no “product manager” professional courses in the current college curriculum. How did you know about the product manager position?

The answers above are expected to be voted by you. It is also a very interesting thing to investigate the product manager background of the Internet. The answer will be announced tomorrow

2 q

When you become a product person

After meeting the product, you move into the job of product manager. How do you feel about the product manager after one month, six months, one year?

Do you still remember the origin of being a product manager? Is “changing the world” and “making revolutionary products” part of your current job? What is the difference between your expectations of origin?

At work, I feel that although I am a “manager”, I cannot get the authority of the manager. Why can’t we do this? Why isn’t this interaction possible? And “Feel this requirement is easy, why is it hard to develop?”

The above three questions, I have been on the road to product encountered after the stem. However, after continuous implementation of the project, in fact, you will understand a truth: the above three questions can be added, and the final product solution we want can be implemented, but we need to step by step, divided cycle to be implemented.

Since the above 3 memes can be solved, are you still satisfied with the work of the product? Or do you want to leave your career as a product manager and try something else? To “change the world”

But what is changing the world? For a product manager, it’s when the user thinks you’ve met their needs that you change the world.

3 q

How to refresh yourself constantly

Product people in the formal, to constantly refresh their own cognition. Here and refresh the three views is different, is to constantly learn the frontier field of knowledge and possible gameplay. When new interaction and new industry product models emerge, we should consider whether we can use them for reference and apply them to our own products.

This is an era of big data, we can use a variety of hot data tools, such as Baidu Index, to query the hot spots we need. But artificial intelligence comes with data. Product people need to always bring computers to land new product Ideals more than ordinary people.

How do you stay that way on the product road? Have a set amount of study time each day for yourself? Or do you experience new products every day? Or read the Internet morning newspaper every day?

I will make it a habit to browse the demand literature in PMTalk product manager community for 10 minutes before work every day, browse today’s Internet morning paper during work every day, and download and try the products in the same industry as my work once they appear.

That’s what you learned after working on the product. What are your habits? Feel free to comment below

Well, that’s it for today’s share. I will update it twice a week

In addition, yesterday’s information package has been available400 people leave a message, too many messages need to be answered in a timely manner. I’ll try to send it to you within 12 hours. Please wait patiently ~ (pure manual + manual)The following is the address of the packet

Kevin’s 10G product man kit


The first e-book

In addition, my first book “From Zero to One: PM changes the World” was officially launched as an electronic file. This book summarizes 222 original products, covering the content of product manager interview, algorithm, interaction and other different dimensions. If you are interested, you can reward and leave a message on your email. I will send an email to you around 12:00 noon every day (hope you do not spread support, support copyright). If you need to preview the book outline, jump to the link

A book for yourself and product people: from zero to one.