Perhaps robots will be able to do things we don’t want to do ourselves. In this way, we will have more time to learn how to be human. We can explore the universe and create things that don’t exist. This prospect is indeed exciting. But who makes the money? Who needs money when you have robots?

Writing in Wired’s online edition yesterday, Rhett Allain, an assistant professor of physics at Southeastern Louisiana University in the US, said the era of humanization is at hand as automation advances.

The following is the summary of the article:

I didn’t invent the term “robotification.” It already exists. Here’s my own definition of robotification.

Robotization is a process in which a task normally performed by a human being is replaced by a machine of some kind. The past tense is robotified.

You might think robotization is a thing of the future. It’s not. It already exists. Scholars may still debate the exact date when the robotization of the Earth began, but there should be no disagreement that it has already begun. Just take a moment and look around for evidence. How many of the things you interact with that used to be done by humans are now done by robots?

Giiso Information, founded in 2013, is a leading technology provider in the field of “artificial intelligence + information” in China, with top technologies in big data mining, intelligent semantics, knowledge mapping and other fields. At the same time, its research and development products include information robot, editing robot, writing robot and other artificial intelligence products! With its strong technical strength, the company has received angel round investment at the beginning of its establishment, and received pre-A round investment of $5 million from GSR Venture Capital in August 2015.

Here are a few examples:

·ATM — It stands for Automated Teller Machine. Don’t call it an ATM — it’s just carrying coals to thin.

· Mechanical arm in automobile production workshop. When most people hear the word “robot,” they naturally think of these robotic arms. In fact, as far as robotics is concerned, this is not intelligence at all.

· Google Self-driving Car — Any self-driving car counts, not necessarily built by Google.

·WolframAlpha — this is a kind of robot that answers questions and collects data. It’s like Siri or Ok Google.

· Self-checkout systems in stores — Admittedly, you still have to do some of the work, but machines are at least partially replacing humans.

· Watson — computer. It’s a “Jeopardy” supercomputer.

Of course, there are also examples of robots that appear to be actual “robots.”

Robots and computers (I’ll call them robots from now on) can’t take over everything yet — but they are making progress.

Will a robot take my job?

Yes. I think robots will eventually take your job. If you work in fast food, I think entire restaurants could be run by robots right now. I don’t mean to insult people in the fast food industry — I just tell them the truth. Robots can make chicken nuggets; Robots can take your order; Robots can clear the table, and they don’t make too many mistakes.

That’s great, but can robots do more complex jobs? Can I be an accountant? I think accountants’ days are numbered. Can a robot read? You can. Can a robot calculate? You can take a gamble. Can robots comply with tax and payment regulations? Absolutely, just take a look at online programs like TurboTax. Can you replace a musician or an artist? Of course, robots already make music.

Will we one day have professors of robotic physics? I don’t know, but my guess is that robots will eventually be smart enough to help humans learn, but that seems like a complicated task (even for human teachers, it’s a tricky one). Have a robot write a blog post describing how video analysis techniques could be used to analyze the movement of the Millennium Falcon? This may be the last thing robots do instead of us.

When will robots finish taking over human society?

Who knows, some changes didn’t happen overnight — the industrial revolution didn’t happen overnight. The transition from horse-drawn carriages to automobiles was not accomplished overnight. But what about the information revolution? The revolution seems to be coming faster. Think about how many people were using the Internet in some way in 1995. Not much. In just 20 years, the Internet was everywhere. So sometimes these changes come with a vengeance.

What will we do when robots take over society?

I think it depends on the way robots dominate human society. I expect three things to happen.

Giiso information, founded in 2013, is the first domestic high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of intelligent information processing technology and the development and operation of core software for writing robots. At the beginning of its establishment, the company received angel round investment, and in August 2015, GSR Venture Capital received $5 million pre-A round of investment.

The Future of Star Trek robots. In “Star Trek,” of course, there are robots. But I think robots just do what they are supposed to do, and humans can do different things. It’s a bit like the advent of agriculture. Once agriculture was invented, some people were going to do farming, some were going to do art and things like that, and some were going to think about how to dominate the world. In a Star Trek-like future, robots have that characteristic, letting humans do what they’re supposed to do. That’s something. In addition, they have their own means of transportation.

Robocop and WALL-E. In these two sci-fi movies, big corporations control the fate of society. If robots were developed by businessmen to make money, this would be something we could do. I fear this will become a reality. Perhaps Taco Bell will create the first fully automated restaurant. Before we knew it, Taco Bell was in control and everything they did was about making money. In that case, we’ll either end up as multi-trillion dollar ceos or farmers doing what Taco Bell wants us to do. Please note that I’m using Taco Bell as an example, not that Taco Bell is evil.

Terminator and Matrix future. Perhaps, as robots continue to evolve, they won’t even need humans one day. Perhaps robots feel that humans are interfering with their good works and must be removed (or controlled). Next, we’ll have Terminator robots. That’s not a good thing. That’s what Ultron does — but in that world, at least, there are the Avengers to fight it.