I have a theory about the meaning of life. We can explain to people the meaning of life in the first chapter. This will attract them. Once they’re hooked and pay for the book, we can waffle for the rest of the chapter.

Linus jokingly claims that he’s talking nonsense, but if you look at the rest of the story and you know who Linus is, you know Linus’s life, you know Linus’s story, and you look at this sentence, you wonder: Is this nonsense? It’s actually fine.

Maybe real bigshots understand the meaning of life, when Linus says, “There are three things that matter. They are the motivation for everything in your life, everything you do and everything a living being should do. The first is survival, the second is social order, and the third is entertainment. Everything in life goes in that order. Nothing comes after fun. So in a sense, this means that the meaning of life is to reach the third stage. Once you reach the third stage, you’re done. But first you have to get past the first two stages.”

Looking back at the world we live in, these three principles have universal significance. Perhaps Maslow’s theory of needs does not exist at all. This theory puts forward that people’s survival needs at the bottom level, social order and safety needs at the top level, and love, respect, knowledge, aesthetic needs and self-realization needs at the top level can all be classified as entertainment.

It’s human nature to be well fed and well clothed, and it’s human nature to love to have fun. However, the scope of entertainment is very extensive. Linus uses commode ReVIC-20 to program games in the house in the cold Finnish winter. It is a kind of entertainment. Watching short videos while lying in bed in a warm room in the north is also a form of entertainment, but the latter does not create realistic value.

Linus is very simple. His mother said to some of her friends, “I’m a very easy child to keep. All she had to do was put me in a dark storage cupboard, complete with a computer, and occasionally throw some spaghetti into it, and I’d be more than happy. She has a point.” In fact, we are also very simple, when you are addicted to playing games, I believe that given you a cable, a bottle of water, a bowl of noodles, a bottle (used to hold what you can guess) you can also endure for two days, do not ask me how I know, because I have survived so, but I have a bathroom…

I write articles has been more than two years, I do also have many times since this period of time to experience the kind of happiness, Linus to pure joy, like writing, from the heart like, object to find I go shopping I feel trouble, let me develop new functional leadership I think trouble, even my dog son pull shit I do not want to accept…

But what I admire very much is that Linus only did two things during his summer vacation. The first thing he did was nothing. The second thing I did was finish the 719-page operating System: Design and Implementation. In today’s student days, I think I’m afraid few people can do that. Anyway, my summer vacation at school is either doing homework or playing games.

The Linux operating system Linus wrote did take a lot of time and effort, “program-sleep program-sleep program-eat (cookies) program-sleep program-shower (washed) program-program.” Archimedes said give me a lever and I’ll move the earth. I want to say, give me six months and I’ll figure this game out.

No matter how brilliant the Linux system Linus wrote, he never talked much about himself in front of his family. He just wanted to show them that he was an honest kid who liked playing with computers.

It is no exaggeration to say that open source created the entire software industry, and the spirit of selfless sharing is really the ladder and driving force of human progress, which is why the open source spirit is so noble, that is to stand on the shoulders of giants to see the world.

What I think Linus respects most is his view of copyright: if someone is only making $50 a month, is he likely to pay $250 for a piece of software? I don’t think it’s immoral to spend a little money on illegal copies of software while spending five months ‘salary on food. Such infringement is morally acceptable. It would be immoral, not to mention foolish, to go after such infringers. Technology for good, the ultimate goal of technology is to make our lives more convenient and convenient, not to expel some people.

I think those who are able to build a small world in the field of all kinds of people really cool, such as one piece this work is to construct a sea world, the world and world order supplement each other, similarly, Linus also built a world, the world belongs to the operating system, he formulated the operating rules of the operating system, he decided the processes and threads of life and death, He determined the rules for allocating memory, and he built the basic rules for all applications.

One of Linus’s most striking traits, which I learned from his autobiography, is that while he was lazy, programming was creative, and Linux was never invented at the cost of precious hours of sleep. In fact, he prefers to sleep than create Linux.

Maybe programmers are forthright, and Linus is one of them, because forthright people are good problem solvers. Instead of beating around the bush and trying to avoid a problem, these people try to solve it directly, so that they can save time to do more. However, people who are frank are also very frank in their confronters. I’m sure you’ve all experienced being brutally criticized by your boss or having your Code diss in your Code View. Linus was also outspoken in his response to Andrew Tanenbaum’s question, but his tone was softer than it would have been at home.

Linus and had three children, fu the first tower is Linus of students of the course “introduction to computer science”, later when homework to the student, Linus said: today’s homework, send me a mail (which in the communication so developed modern looks a little silly), others are greeting, only tufts in go out please Linus. Only Tav kept Linus from using his computer for nearly two weeks.

Linux be created, a sensation all over the world, but as the author of Linux, but pursues the idea of open source, I think this is why Linus in the eyes of the programmer was seen as god as a man, this seemingly eccentric behavior, run counter to the capitalism and money behavior, in most people seem to be unreasonable, But maybe only he knows, Just For Fun.

There is a word I feel very interesting, is he in comparison and gates said: “in the battle over the operating system, one party is huge and evil Microsoft and malicious, greed is Bill Gates, his mama of the rich, the other is a selfless love dedicated to the humility of free software, Linus torvalds, a folk hero.” When Linux was strong enough to compete with Microsoft: “Some of my Microsoft friends told me they’d seen my face nailed to the bull ‘s-eye of the corporate darts, and my only comment was that MY nose was too easy to aim at.”

Finally, the penguin story of Linux:

This penguin is not just any penguin. Linus wanted it to feel as if it had just drunk a pitcher of fresh beer and then experienced an unparalleled orgasm. In addition, the penguin has to be special. So while other penguins have black mouths and flippers, the Linux penguin has yellow mouths and flippers, making it look like a cross between a duck and a penguin. Maybe it’s the result of Donald Duck’s night with a local penguin during a trip to the Antarctic.

—— Just For Fun