Recently ICO is very popular, bringing a lot of people’s attention to it. Many people ask, what exactly is blockchain? But when it comes to blockchain, all kinds of data are flying around the Internet. After reading it, I feel I understand it, but I don’t understand it at all.

In short, if Internet technology solves the problem of communication, blockchain technology solves the problem of trust.

Mom: “Xiao Ming, what is block chain?” Me: “(surprised!) . Mom, where did you hear about blockchain?” Mom: “next door your aunt CAI said that her husband is in the speculation of what currency, always Shouting block chain balabala, upstairs Brother Li is also Shouting block chain entrepreneurship Balabalabala, block chain can sell money?” Me: “Mom, blockchain is complicated, I will explain next time……” Mom: “do you want to eat boiled water to mix noodles for supper?” Me: “Well σ (flying ° darex) Flying I think how to say.”

So hot blockchain, what is it? What the hell is blockchain?

A cartoon makes you understand in seconds

Blockchain technology refers to a way for everyone to participate in bookkeeping. All systems have a database behind them, and you can think of a database as a big ledger. At the moment, each keeps its own account.

Since there is no centralized intermediary, having everything run automatically through pre-programmed processes can greatly reduce costs and increase efficiency. And since everyone has the same ledger, it ensures that the ledger recording process is open and transparent.

Block chain technology is the currency of the underlying technology, COINS without any centralized institutions under the condition of operation and management, operation is very stable for many years, without any problems, so someone noticed the underlying technology, it put the COINS technology abstract extract, called block chain technology, books or distributed technology.

According to a report released by Spain’s largest bank Santander, banks around the world could save $20 billion a year by adopting blockchain technology within themselves by 2020. Such data is enough to illustrate the tremendous changes and breakthroughs “blockchain” has brought to the traditional financial field.

Cloud computing is often defined as the provision of dynamic, easily scalable and often virtualized resources over the Internet, but the cloud computing platform is often provided by a centralized organization. While the network composed of blockchain generally has no specific institutions, so blockchain is closer to the definition of distributed computing system, belonging to a kind of distributed computing.

Q coin is a centralized electronic currency, including the total amount, the issuance method is controlled by Tencent. The total amount of bitcoin and the way it is issued are preset by programs and encryption algorithms, and run on multiple nodes around the world. No one or institution can modify it, and it is not controlled by any single person or institution. Q coin is generally called electronic currency, or enterprise token. Call bitcoin a digital currency or cryptocurrency. If bitcoin is a subversion of traditional currencies, then the underlying technology — blockchain — is a subversion of traditional programming paradigms. Blockchain technology is seen as a Paradigm Shift.

As a programmer, I have a slight advantage in understanding these techniques, but only to a point, because it is very painful to understand any new concept (e.g., elliptic curve encryption algorithms, Meckel trees, not every programmer knows these). According to my experience, when learning a thing at the beginning, there is no shortcut, is to plunge in, a little bit of grinding to see, encountered do not understand on the information. When it comes to blockchain, I read the white paper. I read the Ethereum white paper, translated it intermittently and took notes. After reading it for almost a month, I didn’t understand many details. But I have a comprehensive understanding of what blockchain does, some ideas, some concepts to solve the problem. The good thing about having a reserve of ideas is that it’s easy to look at other things, because the framework for solving the same problem is similar


Even if you don’t want to enter the new wave of blockchain application development, you will find that the underlying technology related to blockchain has a lot of inspiration and reference for everyday application development. The birth of a new technology has its own rationalization (” being is reasonable “in Hegel). It’s up to us as programmers to understand where it makes sense and use it accordingly. We don’t have to use new technology to disrupt an old application, but we can use new technology to reshape an old application.

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