Medium is a writing platform whose founders also started Twitter, Square, In this post, Medium Android engineer Daniel McCartney shares his open source project for Android apps.

Android Open Source Project you can modify the Android platform and build it as you need. Of course, you can also submit contributed code.

Guava is the Core Google class library that supports Java 6+. It includes collection classes, caches, concurrent libraries, common annotations, and more.

Google/Dagger 2 is a fast dependency injection library that uses APT to generate code at compile time, making project architectures cleaner at a fraction of the cost.

Retrofit is a type-safe, REST-style library that implements web requests through annotations.

Square/OKHTTP OkHTTP is an HTTP + SPDY web request library.

FasterXML/ Jackson Jackson is a Json parsing and generation library.

Square/Otto Otto is a class library based on the event bus implemented by the Guava project.

Bumptech/Glide Glide is an image loading and caching library that focuses primarily on smooth scrolling.

Square /phrase Phrase is an Android string resource template library.

JakeWharton/ ButterKnife ButterKnife is a View injection library.

Chrisjenx /Calligraphy Calligraphy is a class library for custom fonts.

Hugo is a library that implements logging functionality through annotated methods.

Mockito/Mockito mockito is a Java Mocking unit test framework.

Robolectric is a unit testing framework for Android.

JakeWharton/ sdK-manager-plugin The SDK-manager-plugin is a Gradle plugin for downloading and managing your Android SDK.

There are plenty of third-party tools to make your App shine.

Facebook/Facebook-Android-SDK The Facebook-Android-SDK is an SDK that integrates the Facebook platform for Android.

Fabric Fabric is the Twitter mobile development platform that integrates a number of useful tools, such as analytics, crash capture, and more.

Google Services | Android Developers using Google’s latest technology, only need a simple API, realize many powerful features.

In this paper, the author: Daniel McCartney translator: Tikitoo links: the original medium. Engineering/medium – lead… Translation links: tikitoo. Making. IO / 2016/05/24 /… Please indicate the author’s details and source at the beginning of this article, as well as all the content of this article.

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