This is the 27th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

What is your interviewer thinking

Apply for the lack of skills, so that a lot of job seekers in a foot, missed the opportunity.

First, interview preparation should be just right

Do you know what the interviewer thinks of you?

Understanding the employer’s perspective is crucial to how you perform in an interview.

1. Overpreparation:

Some students are so well prepared that they recite their prepared answers verbatim, sounding unnatural and making HR wonder if they can think for themselves.

In fact, the goal of an interview is not to get candidates to provide perfect answers, because many questions have no right answer.

So you can’t memorize the perfect answer and relay it to the interviewer.

So, what’s the right answer?

1. Be organized first: Don’t ramble, provide a road map that the interviewer can follow and let them know where you are in your answer.

Second, be direct: Don’t try to avoid the question and talk about something else. Also, be sincere, honest, don’t make up your experience, etc.

2. Poor preparation:

Some students don’t even know the products and services the company sells. If they don’t want to spend time getting to know the company, why should the company spend time getting to know them?

Lack of basic etiquette:

It’s important to know the basics of proper etiquette, even if you’re super smart.

This includes dressing appropriately and behaving appropriately: Don’t stare at the interviewer, but maintain proper eye contact for at least a few seconds and then move away;

A friendly smile shows that you are approachable and interested in the job;

Shake hands firmly;

Don’t fidget or be lazy, it’s easy to get distracted, etc.

What do recruiters want to know: the subtext of a question

During the recruitment process, employers often ask candidates to answer all kinds of questions,

In fact, behind these problems, hidden enterprises want to understand the real content.

Do you know anything about the company?

Want to know if you’ve done enough research on your company and industry?

Do you understand the company’s overall positioning and direction in the future?

Do you know anything about this job?

Hopefully you will have a general idea of the job you are applying for and the responsibilities you will take on.

How well you respond will determine whether you’re really interested in the job;

Whether you have relevant skills or are eager to develop them.

Can you do the job well?

You need to know your specific experience to see how you have solved problems in the past.

Do you possess these qualities?

Try to measure intangible qualities like creativity, energy, honesty that you don’t get from your resume.

To find out if you’re a good fit for the company and a good person to work with.

Will you work well with my team?

Many jobs require teams to achieve goals, and this question is important for the interviewer to determine if you are a good team player.

Second, the mystery of different interview methods

Generally speaking, the enterprise interview is divided into behavior interview, case interview and pressure interview. Different methods test different aspects of the applicant’s abilities.

Behavioral interview:

Want to show your experience and behavior in dealing with certain issues in the past. Because some companies believe that past behavior can tell you how you will react to similar situations in the future; Decide if you are right for the job based on your likely reaction.

Case interview:

It’s the thought process that’s most important to see how you solve a problem, not finding the “right” answer.

Stress interview:

Does this person handle problems and work well under pressure? Employers use a variety of techniques to assess a candidate’s ability to withstand and cope with adverse situations.

Finally, I wish you success!!