The most expensive Chinese character

“What would you say is the most expensive character in contemporary China?” “My colleague asked me one day.

“[no], because a promise is a promise,” I blurted.


“[Word], every word is precious?”

The colleague shook his head.


“It’s priceless. It doesn’t count.”

“Talent. Isn’t talent the most expensive thing in the 21st century?”

“In a word, you don’t count. Why don’t you say a letter from home is worth ten thousand gold?”

“Forget it, don’t guess.” “The few words in my head went round and none of them fitted.

I gave him a puzzled look and gave up.

“The answer is tear it down.”


“Yes. Demolition, demolition of demolition.”

Then my colleague smiled. Smile with three points secular, six points cunning, there is a desolate.

“Demolition, wealth. Tear it down, and you have your money.”

However, I was confused, “so this demolition, and you have a relationship? Or is it something to do with me?”

“All have relation”, the colleague paused, “also all have no.”

“What’s it got to do with us, tearing down the landlord’s house and traveling the world?”

“No, let’s take something else apart today. Don’t tear down the house.”

“If you don’t tear down the house, then what?”

“Break the words.”


“Yes. Chinese characters, Chinese characters.”

Divine by means of character

“Chinese characters, you know?” “The colleague continued.

“Nonsense. That every elementary school student knows.”

“Do you know the three elements of Chinese characters?

“Sound form meaning.”

“Do you know how to use the program to realize two shape near word judgment?”

“You didn’t pay attention to old ma, he just wrote a NLP shape near word implementation algorithm two days ago.”

“That algorithm I read, so-so. Some scenes don’t fit in.”

“Like what?”

“For example, [Ming] and [冐] have different structures and different sides. But are they alike?”

Real culture limits my imagination, and after a shock of 0.9 seconds, I immediately refute.

“Easy to say, like you can solve this problem?”

The colleague smiled, “It’s not difficult. Which brings us to today’s hero, word breaking.”

“Oh. I want to hear it.”

“We can break down Chinese characters into their most basic components. For example, Ming can be broken down into day and month, and 冐 is similar. And then compare each part to see if it’s the same to calculate the similarity.”

“That’s all well and good,” I said, nodding my head. “So how long will it take?”

The colleague smiled, “I am not just, these two days off work during the writing of a word breaking program.”

“Show ah, you give tear open a qin shi mingyue Han guan I Chou Chou.”

Both of us both a small hand and a day is not a water and a day inch ditto.

“Yes, yes. In addition to NLP near word, you this program also have what use?”

“It’s good for a lot of things, but the main thing is handsome. Like this one that I created automatically by combining words with cloud images.”

Technology will always be outdated, but handsome, it is a lifetime thing.

“Do you know which sentence separates this picture? I’ll give you a hint. It’s from a word.”


Think of colleagues to give the problem, the recent day and night difficult sleep, how to solve it?

Just as the saying goes, the world trend, long will be divided, divided will be.

Since Chinese characters can be split, can they be combined?

So it took two days to write a Chinese character combination program.

Both of both hands is not a day inch sun and moon jiong is a water and day inch ditto day merged for qin Ming Moon Han shuiguan.

After my colleague saw it, he thought it was very interesting.

“How did you do that? That’s interesting.”

“It’s not difficult. It’s the reverse of the split logic of Chinese characters.”

“For example, when the sun and the moon merge, how do you determine whether it is Ming or 冐?”

“I did a word frequency statistics, and the word frequency of a single Chinese character takes precedence. Of course, sometimes this is not appropriate, and it is better to use n-gram methods to improve context accuracy.”

“Good. What about the matching algorithm?”

“Fast-forward algorithm, and the previous open source sensitive words similar.”

“Yes, yes. So, have you solved the mystery I first gave you?”

Don’t hurt not

“Luckily, it worked out.”


“I found the whole song ci in the evening, but I thought your topic must be commonly used poetry, so I narrowed the scope for the first step.”

“And then what?

“I combined the radicals in your picture, using all the Chinese characters. And then do a search. When I found it, I split it forward, and luckily I found it.”

“Good idea. Is not found split used to do captcha code is also quite good.”

“Yes, the cost of this recognition is relatively high compared to the risk that traditional captchas will be machine learned.”

“Word splitting is also a good way to incorporate it into decryption games, like Game of Words. You can also do technical research and development.”

The colleague smiled and sighed, “I’ve been thinking lately that sometimes not everything has to be useful. Technology is always out of date, but culture is. It is good to have it, but not to have it.”

I didn’t know what to say. I looked at the riddle the program had solved last night. There was a line.

Angry, railing, raining rain rest. Look up, look up to the sky long roar, zhuang Huai intense. Thirty fame and dust, eight thousand li cloud and moon.Copy the code