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Question: What is the difference between @inject and @autowired in Spring? Under what conditions are they used?

I’m looking at some blogs on SpringSource, and in one of the other blogs, the author uses @inject, but I think he uses @AutoWired as well

Here is part of the code:

@Inject private CustomerOrderService customerOrderService;
Copy the code

I’m not sure what the difference is between @inject and @autowired, can someone explain the difference and usage scenario between the two?

Answer a

Suppose you say javax.inject.Inject annotation. Inject @Inject is part of Java CDI (Context and Dependency Injection), introduced in Java EE 6 (JSR-299). Spring has decided to support the use of the @Inject annotation with the same meaning as their @Autowired annotation

So, the answer to your question is that @Autowired is Spring’s own annotation. Inject is part of a Java technology called CDI that defines a spring-like dependency injection standard. In a Spring application, these two annotations are the same, because Spring has decided to support some jSR-299 annotations in addition to their own

Answer two

Here’s a blog that compares @Resource, @Inject, and @AutoWired, and it’s done pretty well

From that blog:

Except for Tests 2 and 7, the configuration and output are the same. When I looked under hood, I determined that the annotation ‘@autowired’ and ‘@Inject’ had the same effect. The two annotations AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to inject dependencies. ‘@autowired’ and ‘@Inject’ can be used interchangeably to Inject beans. But the ‘@’ Resource ‘annotations using’ CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to inject dependency. Although they use different processor classes, the effect is almost the same. Below is a summary of their execution paths.

The author refers to tests 2 and 7 as “injection by field name” and “an attempt to parse the bean using an error qualifier,” respectively.

The results here answer all your questions

The article translated from Stack…