1. Get obtains data from the server, and POST sends data to the server.

2. Get adds the parameter data queue to the URL indicated by the action attribute of the submitted form. The value corresponds to the fields in the form. As you can see in URL, post is the HTTPpost mechanism that places the fields in the form and their contents in the HTML HEADER and sends them to the URL indicated by the ACTION attribute. The user does not see this process.

3. In get mode, the server uses Request.QueryString to obtain variable values. In POST mode, the server uses Request.Form to obtain submitted data.

4. The amount of data to be transmitted by get is smaller than or equal to 2KB. Post transfers a large amount of data and is generally considered unrestricted by default.

5. Get security is very low, but POST security is high.

Summary: GET requests place parameters in the URL, while POST requests place parameters in the request body. Theoretically, POST is more secure because the URL length cannot exceed 1KB, while GET requests place parameters in the URL, so operations such as uploading profile pictures cannot use GET requests