What is HTML? A lot of people come across when they learn about the Web. Today xiaobian to summarize for you what is HTML?

1. Html meaning

The full name of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language, which is a Markup Language. It includes a set of tags that unify documents on the network and connect disparate Internet resources into a logical whole.

HTML text is descriptive text composed of HTML commands that describe text, graphics, animations, sounds, tables, links, etc.

HTML defines element content for many data types, such as script data and stylesheet data, and attribute values for many types, including ID, name, URI, number, unit of length, language, media descriptor, color, character encoding, date and time, etc. All of these data types are specialized character data.

2. Html features

  • simplicity

The hypertext Markup Language (HTML) version is more flexible and convenient by adopting the superset method.

  • scalability

The wide application of HYPERtext Markup language has brought the requirements of enhancing functions and adding identifiers, etc. Hypertext markup language adopts the way of subclass elements to guarantee the system expansion.

  • Platform independence

Although personal computers are popular, other machines such as macs are widely used, and HTML can be used on a wide range of platforms, which is another reason why the World Wide Web is so popular.

  • generality

HTML is the common language of the web, a simple, universal full markup language. It allows web producers to create complex pages of text and images that can be viewed by anyone on the web, no matter what type of computer or browser they are using.

3. Html development tools

  • Conducive to better user experience;
  • It is beneficial to establish good communication with search engine and help crawler to capture more effective information.
  • Easy to render web pages;
  • Easy for team development and maintenance, more readable language, can reduce differentiation.

4. Html development tools

There are many tools for writing HTML documents. You may have used a text editor such as EditPlus, Notepad++, or even some professional HTML web authors, but they don’t help you learn how to create web pages. Instead, you need a simple text editor. If you’re using Windows, you can use the Notepad program that comes with it.

5. Editing methods

Basic text, document editing software, using Microsoft’s own Notepad or tablet can be written, of course, if you use WPS or Word to write it can also, but save please use.htm or.html as an extension, so that the browser will recognize the direct interpretation of the execution.

Half WYSIWYG software, such as online web editors such as CK-Editer and e-Webediter; Especially recommended: Sublime Text code editor (developed by Jon Skinner, Sublime Text2 is charged but can be tried indefinitely).

Wysiwyg software, the most widely used editor, can create web pages without any knowledge of HTML.

What is HTML? Today xiaobian gives you a simple summary of what is HTML, I hope to help you.