Online privacy has been an issue for quite some time. How do you remain anonymous, protect your data and keep it truly private? Most of us use VPNS and proxy networks to make our virtual lives more secure. It’s a nice idea, but does it really work? Yes, up to a point. While VPNS and proxy networks alone can indeed hide your IP address, they cannot hide your unique browser fingerprint. In this article, we’ll look at what a browser fingerprint is and explore its composition and use.

What is my browser fingerprint?

Essentially, browser fingerprinting (sometimes called device fingerprinting) is a technique that identifies Internet users and then uses the information collected to track their movements online. This fingerprint is made up of your browser and device data that was originally used to display the site correctly. This information includes your language Settings, screen resolution, operating system, and more. The collection of these identifiers creates a unique browser fingerprint.

As the efficiency of classic tracking cookies continues to decline, a new way of tracking activity online needs to be introduced, so browser fingerprints have evolved with impeccable accuracy. This means that 99% of the time the tracking technology accurately reads your information and creates a unique fingerprint. What does that mean for you? You are now being tracked exactly. Don’t believe me? Click here to view your fingerprint. To make it more interesting (or frightening?) , please turn on all security measures: enable VPN, turn on proxy, go into stealth mode and see your real identity.

What does a fingerprint consist of?

Your browser fingerprint can’t pick up information like your name or leave an image on it. Instead, it’s made up of various HTTP and Javascript properties, ranging from some of the usual attributes you think will be tracked (content language, plug-in, operating system) to some of the unusual things that get you on track. Why do you need it? The latter include the screen size and depth, the font used, and even the style of emojis used.

One of the most interesting features of the collection is the painting of the Bushach. It is created based on the way developers use to make 2D and 3D graphics. Even if the same canvas code image looks the same to the human eye, the picture will differ at the pixel level. When the render data of the canvas is sent via the hash function, the final ID result is unique to each device.

What’s important about browser fingerprinting?

In most cases, use browser fingerprinting so that third parties can display relevant ads based on your online activity. From Google and Facebook or our domestic microblog and Baidu to major media, everything relies heavily on targeted advertising. Basically, the Cookie goes away so that the browser fingerprint can work. Further, your browser fingerprint information is often used by companies called data proxies. These third-party providers track your online activities and specific information about you, including your age, location, interests, social media platforms you use, content you consume, and content you search for on Google. Once they complete this profile, they can sell it to marketers, who can then continue to serve you their own personalized ads. Without it, digital marketing won’t work as easily. But it’s not always annoying and dark. It may sound crazy, but in fact, browser fingerprinting can protect you from fraudsters. For example, if your online banking information is stolen and a thief tries to log into your account, your bank will notice suspicious activity because it comes from a device that doesn’t have your fingerprint. In this case, the fraudster will be asked to provide additional means of authorization (such as a 2-factor identifier). Did you know that when you try to log into Gmail from a new device, Google immediately scares you that your account has been hacked? Yes, you can thank browser fingerprinting for that, too.

How do I prevent browser fingerprints

No doubt your next question will be how do you stop following me? Burn off my fingertips? No, just calm down. We got you. Although browser fingerprinting is a tricky business and technically impossible to stop completely, the best option is to trick your parameters to reduce the uniqueness of online rendering. For the first time in your life, the less unique, the better. Frequently asked Questions about browser fingerprint recognition

How does browser fingerprint work?

Browser fingerprints use certain HTTP and JavaScript attributes to track your activity online. Think of it as a more advanced version of Cookie.

How do I stop browser fingerprinting?

Technically, you can’t completely stop your browser’s fingerprint recognition. However, you can trick your browser properties in order to collect the wrong information. However, you can use Multilogin, WMLogin, Adspower, Smartproxy xBrowser applications to prevent browser fingerprinting in order to restore your privacy.

Smartproxy HTTP/HTTPS proxy:

  • Official website
  • Designated region, state, city
  • Access to full IP pool for all residential agent packages)
  • Rotate and adhere to IP sessions
  • Unlimited number of concurrent requests
  • Over 40 million residential IP addresses