You can use the domain name self-detection tool to check your domain name and perform troubleshooting based on the detection result.

Confirm the domain name status: If the domain name status is Clienthold or Serverhold, the resolution cannot take effect. This status usually indicates that the domain name is not verified or the name is not approved. The specific reason needs to be confirmed by the domain name registrar. Confirm the validity of the domain name: If a domain name expires, the resolution of the domain name will be invalid. You need to confirm the validity of the domain name with the domain registrar. If it has expired, renew it as soon as possible. After the renewal is successful, the resolution will be restored in 0-72 hours. Confirm the domain name DNS server: Verify that the DNS server is changed to the DNS specified by Tencent Cloud at the domain registrar. Otherwise, the resolution will take effect. If the DNS server has been changed to the Tencent cloud DNS server, the resolution takes 0 to 72 hours to take effect globally. Therefore, the resolution may take effect during this period. Confirm the configuration of parsing records: You need to confirm that related parsing records, such as common A records and CNAME records, have been configured at the parser. Otherwise, parsing cannot take effect. Note For details about how to set different record types for Tencent cloud DNS resolution.