A good habit can affect a person’s life! This is especially true for programmers! Good habits will not only make your job easier, but they will also improve your skills. With the rapid development of IT industry, many programmers are divided into many levels. Although the so-called INTELLIGENCE quotient may be an important factor in determining a person’s level, the main factor is not congenital condition. What does traction education tell you about a good programmer?

Second, team spirit and cooperation ability as a basic quality, is not unimportant, on the contrary, it is the most basic programmer should have, is the most important to settle down. The power of any one individual is limited, and even a genius like Linus needs to work wonders with a strong team, and it’s hard to imagine a world of talented people writing cores for Linux without a collaborative spirit. Once you enter the system development team and enter the commercial and product development tasks, people who lack this quality are not qualified.

A promising programmer won’t say Yes without a clear understanding of the development requirements, workload, and team expectations. Especially for the new, more eager to express themselves, for colleagues or boss work arrangements to refuse all, the spirit is commendable, the method is not desirable. If you promise too much, you may not be able to finish it on time. Even if you finish it on time, you may not meet the expectations of others. In the long run, people will be more and more disappointed with you.

When confronted with a request that is clearly unreasonable, it is ok to consider turning it down, provided that you have prepared a comprehensive and valid reason. Don’t say No too often, but when you do say it, get to the point. A promising programmer doesn’t just sit around and work. He or she knows where he or she is positioned and what the team expects. He or she knows what is unreasonable and what is reasonable.

In the age of information explosion, there is a lot of fragmented knowledge, and there is less and less time for systematic learning. Without your own knowledge system, it is easy to be drowned in the sea of knowledge, and it is difficult to remember. 100 points programmer recommended practice, through Wiki or other knowledge management tools to build a knowledge framework, large categories can include soft skills, architecture, language, front-end, back-end, etc., small categories can be more detailed.