Continuous learning is essential if you want to stay a programmer.

People usually prefer a team with a better technical atmosphere when looking for a job, because it can help them grow better, but not every team has such an atmosphere. So the idea came up that I wanted to build a place where some people could record what they learned. This will often be a small dot and may not be enough to write an article. However, this knowledge may not be known by many people, so it is a great thing to let others learn this knowledge through this way of recording.

If you want to be a part of this record, you are welcome to contribute, the address is here.

A total of 37 people contributed what they learned this week, and selected some good ones to share and put into writing. More detailed content is recommended to read in the warehouse.

TS is used intypeofKeyword can automatically get the data type

When writing React projects, there are times when you might have a default value for state, such as:

const initialState = {
   username: ' '.mobile: ' '.isVip: false.addresses: [],

type IState = typeof initialState

class Comp extends Component<any.IState> {
   constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
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This eliminates the need to separate the initial value of state from the type of state.

An operation

Note that bitwise operations work on 32-bit integers, so accuracy can be lost

  • Use “|” integer
let num=1.5
num=num|0; / / 1
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  • With “> >” in half
let num=4;
num=num>>1; / / 2
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  • With “> >” double

let num=2;
num=num<<1; / / 4
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  • Swap the “^” with the “^”
let a=1;
let b=2;

// a===2,b===1
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  • Use “&” to determine odd numbers
let n=3;
let m=4;
n&1= = =1; / / true odd
m&1= = =1; / / false even
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  • Use “~” to determine whether the item exists
let firstname="Ma";
let fullname="Jack Ma";
letisExist=!! ~fullname.indexOf(firstname);// true
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The arguments of the pit

Note that in strict mode, this problem is not present

  • When the function is not in strict modeThere is nocontainsThe remaining parameters,The default parametersandDeconstruction assignment, then the values in the Arguments object track the values of the arguments (and vice versa)

function sidEffecting(ary) {
  ary[0] = ary[2];
function bar(a,b,c) {
  c = 10 // Note that this modifies the arguments in the arguments object
  return a + b + c;
bar(1.1.1);   / / 21
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  • When the function is not in strict modeThere arecontainsThe remaining parameters,The default parametersandDeconstruction assignment, then the values in the Arguments object do not track the values of the arguments (and vice versa)
function sidEffecting(ary) {
  ary[0] = ary[2];
function bar(a,b,c=3) {
  c = 10
  return a + b + c;
bar(1.1.1); / / 12
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Canvas text gradient effect

var context = canvas.getContext('2d')
var g = context.createLinearGradient(0.0,canvas.width,0)
context.fillStyle = g
context.font = '36px fantasy'
context.fillText('hello canvas'.0.100)
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Effect diagram

ES6 Proxy Deeply proxies an object

function deepProxy(object, handler) {
    if (isComplexObject(object)) {
        addProxy(object, handler);
    return new Proxy(object, handler);

function addProxy(obj, handler) {
    for (let i in obj) {
        if (typeof obj[i] === 'object') {
            if (isComplexObject(obj[i])) {
                addProxy(obj[i], handler);
            obj[i] = new Proxy(obj[i], handler); }}}function isComplexObject(object) {
    if (typeofobject ! = ='object') {
        return false;
    } else {
        for (let prop in object) {
            if (typeof object[prop] == 'object') {
                return true; }}}return false;

let person = {
    txt: 'tnt'.age: 26.status: {
        money: 'less'.fav: [1.2.3]}};let proxyObj = deepProxy(person, {
    get(target, key, receiver) {
        return Reflect.get(target, key);
    set(target, key, value, receiver) {
        return Reflect.set(target, key, value); }}); proxyObj.status.test =13;
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Format a small function of type 04:19 in seconds

const convertDuration = time= > {
  let minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
  let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);
  minutes = String(minutes).length < 2 ? String(minutes).padStart(2.'0'): minutes;
  seconds = String(seconds).length < 2 ? String(seconds).padStart(2.'0'): seconds;
  return minutes + ":" + seconds;

convertDuration(308); / / 05:08
convertDuration(6000); / / 100:00
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Hooks conflict with react-hot-loader

The React project was updated to the latest version by hooks. At that time, I found the problem through Google and solved the problem after upgrading the React-hot-loader package. In order to continue the work, I did not know the specific cause.

Today, when I have time, I searched some information and summarized the content:

The following error occurs with correct use of hooks:

Uncaught Error: Hooks can only be called inside the body of a function component.
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Hooks do have limitations that must be used in function components, but I did use them correctly. So I searched a wave of data and found a issus with the same problem as mine: Incompatibility with React-hot-loader.

While reading issus, the react-hot-loader developers give the following answers:

Stateless components (function components) are converted to class components because stateless components have no updated methods.

How React Hot Loader Works is also provided in the official document.

In order to render the React – Tree, all stateless components had to be converted to stateless class components.

The last

This week’s posts were of high quality and I learned something from them.

This is something that needs to be shared to be sustainable, and I can’t do it alone. Everyone is welcome to participate in this event. The address is here.

Finally, you can join groups to communicate and learn.