Background introduction

On February 12, 2020, Guo Yu, a front-end engineer of Bytedance, announced on Weibo that he would retire and move to Japan to start a new chapter. 3.1, the famous science and technology media InfoQ interview to him 28 – year – old retired atypical programmer: my life not to need someone to design | characterization.

I believe that many peers can not help but envy to see the interview, frankly speaking, I also acid, code word hand also stopped motionless…… I don’t know how big the gap is.

In fact, I knew him before I graduated from college: When I set up Hexo blog in 2015, I used the comment system of saying more, and I also knew and followed Guo Yu’s microblog. Later duosaid was acquired and the comment function was taken down for unknown reasons (you get the idea). My blog also changed from Hexo to Ghost, how fast……

After a sleep, I began to think deeply about this matter, I do not want to stay in the only envy, sour level. Such behavior is not good. I hope I can make some changes. When I see others’ achievements, I should think about analyzing, learning and drawing lessons to help myself improve and make progress. So I wrote this article.

To learn from

In a word: the big guy’s achievements come from his own choice and unremitting efforts, as well as The Times and luck.

Self effort

Guo Yu majored in administration management at University. After finishing the college entrance examination in 2008, in order to build a website for her community, she started working on PHPWind, and has been on the computer career since then.

College life is not as busy as high school, there is plenty of time to do their own favorite things, Guo Yu often stay up late to learn to write code, summer vacation also organized a computer training class.

It was a crucial career change, from administration to a promising career in computers!

In my junior year, I entered Alipay as an intern. In early 2014, I joined Beijing Startup Duoshuo (not mentioned in the interview, personal speculation). Half a year later, I was acquired by Bytedance (parent company of Toutiao) and became a member of the company until my retirement on February 12, 2020.

As a front-end engineer, Guo yu is very strong, which can be seen from his GitHub project:

Translate Koa documents and develop 4-5 projects approved by the community: Candy,, etc.

Rational mind

Even when you’re financially free, you don’t lose yourself, get cocky, or start living too expensive. It’s about being humble and rational about who you are and not being burdened by glory. Still know exactly what you want to do and work hard to achieve it. I think this mentality is what most people lack, and also the deep difference between people.

Times and Luck

  1. 2012 was the year of rapid development of Mobile Internet in ChinaThe first year
  2. I joined Alipay after graduation, and my first job was a high starting point and a high platform
  3. In 2014, he joined a Beijing startup and was acquired by Bytedance half a year later

In addition to their own efforts, analysis of trends, the rest is time and luck. As he wrote on his Weibo account:

I have to thank a few people, and I have to thank this majestic era…… One can see the joy of the gold prospectors’ return, but not the wounds on their backs, and the lingering tears in their hearts.


Guo Yu’s achievements come from his hard work, correct choice and luck. We can learn from each other’s progress and hard work, but choice and luck cannot be duplicated.

Many of the lessons are simple and old: drive, choice and luck. I want to emphasize the choice, which was also not mentioned in the interview. Many people (including me) know how to work hard, but few know how to make choices. One of my experiences is to communicate with friends and experts in the field and combine their suggestions, so that you have a higher probability of making a good choice. For example, after two years of working in 2018, I decided to take the postgraduate entrance exam, which was made by the advice of Wu Jun and my close friends.

Above, mutual encouragement.