Angular, one of the top three front-end frameworks, has been battling React and Vue for years, and has built a community and ecosystem of millions of developers through the efforts of the Angular team and developers. A few days before this year’s I/O conference, Angular 6 was released, adding new features like NG Update and ng Add to keep your applications up to date and help Angular developers speed up innovation.

The Angular renderer Project Ivy also has significant improvements that make Angular debugging easier, compile and run faster, and work with existing applications. The Angular team also demonstrated a small Hello World application. Unused Angular functions are automatically removed from the app’s JavaScript bundle.

PWA is probably one of the hottest technologies in the last two years. Google claims that industries around the world are having great success building PWA. Starbucks tripled the number of daily active users after launching its PWA site. They tested advertising sites and found that when a site switched to PWA, conversion rates increased by an average of 20%.

  • The early PWA focused on mobile devices and was not supported on iOS due to platform limitations, but the good news came earlier this year when Apple announced PWA for iOS 11.3, making it possible to develop a cross-platform PWA.

  • In February, Microsoft began adding PWA to the Windows Store, announcing that progressive enhancement Web applications would be available in Windows 10.

  • At the end of February, Chrome officially supports PWA on PC. See this article for details.

  • At I/O, Google announced that in June Chrome 67 will support PWA “installed” on the desktop, while retaining the ability to query within the browser, such as finding pages, sharing urls, and Google Cast support. Here’s some of Spotify’s experience after deploying desktop PWA.

Service Worker is one of the biggest improvements of The Web in recent years. It is a Web API promoted by the Chrome team. It frees developers from the page life cycle, runs in the background of the browser, and can control all page requests within the scope of opening. Enable Web applications to work offline.

In March, Apple announced support for Service workers in Safari 11.1 on iOS and MacOS, and at the end of April, Microsoft announced that Microsoft Edge would also support Service workers, This means that Service workers are now supported by all major browsers.

To make the process easier to use, the Service Worker development team created the Workbox library, which encapsulates many commonly used and powerful Service Worker patterns into an easy-to-use API.


WebAssembly opens up a new world for the Web by enabling websites to run high-performance, low-level code written in languages like C or C ++. In March, AutoCAD from Autodesk adopted a 35-year-old code base, Compiling with WebAssembly to run directly in the browser means you can draw in CAD directly in the browser, regardless of your device or operating system.

Polymer is a Google JavaScript library that helps you create custom reusable HTML elements and use them to build high-performance, maintainable apps.

At I/O, Google introduced Polymer 3.0, which aims to move the ecosystem of Web components from HUML Imports to ES Modules. The package management system will support NPM, This makes it easier to use Polymer based Web components with your favorite tools and frameworks.

AMP is Google’s library of Web components for building Web pages for static content, providing reliable and fast rendering, and speeding up page loading. So far, there are more than 6 billion web pages from 46 million domains, and their average Google search load time is less than 1 second.

The APM team has announced AMP Stories, a mobile-First Storytelling Web group that supports native video and graphics, to meet the demands of publishers as mobile content consumption shifts to a full-screen, concise style. Rich visual effects that can be told through animation and clickable interaction are important for breaking news coverage because pictures can sometimes convey meaning to readers more intuitively and quickly.

Lighthouse is a tool for analyzing web quality, providing you with performance metrics and guidance for your site, accessible directly from within Chrome DevTools, run from the command line or integrated with other development products, only in 2018, Half a million developers are running Lighthouse on their websites.

With the release of Lighthouse 3.0 earlier this month, the latest version of Lighthouse will be even faster to audit websites, with a new reporting interface and more updates available on the Lighthouse website.
