With the more and more mature interactive projection technology, it is also more and more widely appeared in our daily life, and has become the highlight of men, women and children compete to experience, with the application advantage of attracting people.

Interactive projection can be classified according to “display form” and “use function”, including desktop interaction, wall interaction, ground interaction, motion-sensing interaction, window interaction, etc.

The ground interaction usually takes the ground as the carrier, or installs the interactive induction screen on the ground, and then projects the projection light that sets the program to the ground, and the user can interact with it when he passes by.

Desktop application of interactive projection will mainly linkage with theme restaurants, it let ordinary desktop became more vivid, and become an entertainment center and information platform, users can watch on interactive projection desktop theme restaurant food production, as well as the order, through the desktop interactive projection and interaction with the projection of the ground, metope interactive projection, the combination of all three create immersive space, Let the user as if in a variety of scenes in the dining.

Window interactive projection is also a popular projection method recently. The window interactive projection projects the image onto the street-facing glass outside the window through the equipment. Customers can directly click the image in the picture outside with their hands. The image can be changed according to the user’s operation, which changes the traditional window display mode and is an important expression of technology and artistic innovation.

Interactive projection www.heihuoshi.cn/ not only breaks the traditional static exhibition publicity, provides visitors with a strong interactive fun viewing mode, but also promotes the application of projection technology to develop a new peak, for us to show a different multimedia interactive experience.