Drag and drop interface

Graphical interfaces and drag-and-drop operations enable data modeling, interface design, display styles, and business logic Settings for rapid application development, and developers can benefit from easy drag-and-drop capabilities when creating applications. Rich and diverse component libraries make business documents more personalized, professional and professional.


TaskBuilder’s low code development platform has a complete system of functional modules. Different modules can meet common core functions required by different applications, so they can be reused to develop different solutions more quickly. Provides a large number of mature page templates, such as data management lists, project archive composite pages, task management kanban, can be based on templates and components to complete design and development quickly.


In order to achieve the integration of various information systems to facilitate unified management and user access, low TaskBuilder code development platform provides rich integration interface, support for multiple integration mode, can be easily with the third party system integration, including the market mainstream products in the field of multiple, can achieve seamless docking, through a simple configuration can connectivity, Easy integration of information systems.

Cross-platform accessibility

The application development framework provides the basic running environment for service applications, including the Web client, mobile client, and PC client. The mobile client supports Android and iOS, the Web client supports most Web browsers, and the PC client supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

Life cycle management

It can manage the entire application life cycle from creation, configuration, development, testing, release, operation and maintenance, and upgrade. They give users access to information about created applications and their development information and enable them to revert to previous versions for better application lifecycle management.