In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standards, iPhone is no longer a luxury in everyone’s eyes. The more people use iPhone, a variety of apps have emerged, which is both an opportunity and a challenge for many developers. What are the ways of Releasing Apple apps?

As we all know, iOS is different from Android. They are in two extremes. IOS is relatively closed and has high security, but it is very troublesome to download apps. Android is a relatively open system, so it’s easy to download software and install any APP we want.

The proliferation of signing services on the market has also led to the abuse of many Apple accounts, resulting in a large number of accounts being closed. Therefore, in order to protect the remaining accounts in the market, Apple officials are increasingly strict in the approval of APP shelves. For example, enterprises must have more than 500 employees and complete qualifications to meet the official requirements, which is very difficult for many small APP operators. Plus, the APP launch approval cycle is long, which shuts out many carriers in terms of time.

2, iOS enterprises signed iOS signature is apple’s signature is one of the most popular way of signature, shi enterprises signed by enterprise developer account generated P12 certificate to sign, no escape, APP operators only need to signature of IPA package supplier bureau can finish the signature, it only takes a few minutes of time, greatly improve the efficiency of development. In addition, the enterprise signature itself is not limited by downloads, and the cost performance is relatively high, so it has become the first choice of many people. The only bad thing is often off the sign, if you can timely sign it will not have any impact, so we must find a regular signature business to cooperate.

3, iOS iOS super super signature to sign, signature is through personal development account for use is a personal account, so the download number is limited, each account download limit is 100 times a year, is there any quantity limitation for itself, the stability of yo better than enterprises signed a lot, but because be pay-per-view, For many APP operators with a large number of APP users, the cost is very expensive.

4, TF signature TF signature made by apple official audit closed way, stability is higher, the price will be expensive, but not all the APP can TF signature, must meet the requirements of the apple official audit cycle also grow some, but not have normal shelf audit strictly, three months period of validity, after successful stores, There will be no cancellations.

The above is all about the apple APP release way, I hope to help you. Finally, I wish you all a smooth and smooth road of APP promotion in the future.