I. Differences between vUE complete version and VUE non-complete version are shown in the following table:

The title Vue full version Vue partial version evaluation
The characteristics of A compiler There is no compiler Compiler makes up 40% of the volume
view Write it in HTML or template Write the h in the render function to create the tag H is written by Yuxi and sent to Render
Introduced the CDN vue.js vue.runtime.js The generated environment suffix is min.js
Webpack introduced Alias needs to be configured. This version is used by default Specially equipped by Rain Creek
Introduced the @ vue/cli Additional configuration required This version is used by default You yuxi and Jiang Haoqun configuration

Ii. Summary:

As a best practice, always use the incomplete version and then work with vue-loader and vue files


  1. Ensure user experience, user blind ah JS file size smaller, but only support H function
  2. To ensure the development experience, developers can write HTML tags directly in vue files instead of h functions
  3. Let loader do the dirty work. Vue-loader converts HTML from vue files into H functions