With the booming development of mobile Internet, the Web front-end has witnessed rapid development in recent years, whether it is talent demand, or staff salary level has been greatly improved, many people hesitate, now learning Web front-end development and the future? How long can the Web front end stay hot? Next, Qian Feng to introduce to you.

The number of web front-end developers is on the rise, especially as Google, YouTube, Twitch and other large companies turn their attention to HTML5, confirming the future of HTML5 in the Internet era. With the development of mobile Internet, China’s demand for Web front-end developers will continue to increase, in addition to first-tier cities, some second-tier and better Internet development places, the demand for Web front-end personnel will continue to increase, salary is not a surge.

So is there a future for learning the Web front end? Career development direction:

1. Technical direction: After several years of technical accumulation and a large number of projects, it is natural to transition towards high-end technology. To solve some technical problems, professional route may be the choice of most technical people.

2. Management direction: Another career direction is technical management. Technical management requires more comprehensive, daily work involves project management, cross-department communication, team management, technical system construction and other aspects. To be a technical manager means to stay away from the frontline coding and gradually lose my technical advantage. 80% of my energy is to help the team grow and achieve the set goals through the team.

3. Product and business Direction: Another career direction is to become a product manager, which is closer to the business. This is also the choice of more and more front-end personnel. In fact, technical personnel have advantages in transforming into products. On the one hand, they can better communicate with r&d with technical knowledge, and on the other hand, product design is easier to implement.

Whether analyzing the employment situation of the former end or considering the future development direction of the former end, front-end development is to comply with the requirements of The Times, and has a very broad stage and future.