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Those of you who read my article know that if you don’t use GitHub, you dare not tell others that you are a CS major. So, its importance is not too much to say, today to share with you how to use Github resources, suitable for beginners to follow up the High Star project.

Since then, after a long period of time, I will not recommend other resources website with the micro friends, we put these three practical operation, you can give me a message.

23 k +, making the star from scratch the depth study of practical tutorial | PyTorch official recommendations

PyTorch resource list (GitHub 9.4K +) is available in Chinese

What are some great projects on GitHub that are suitable for beginners to follow?

[TOC](What are some good GitHub projects for beginners to follow?)

The first is this entry level project HelloGithub, Python, Java, PHP, C++, go, swift and other programming languages of the project are released on the 28th of every month (update). Most of these open source projects are easy to pick up and start for beginners.

A programming language


Star★ : 28.7k (and rising)


Before you can implement a specific project, you need to know the programming language first. Pick is a magic project, a collection of resources for various languages in various fields.



Here are a few interesting and excellent Python and machine learning-related projects.



Quick grab tool that can extract urls, emails, files, website accounts and more.


This program is an open source Python project. It supports MacOS, Linux, and Windows. You can download the compiled programs from the official website. It can be used to download YouTube videos, and some video sites in China can also download.

Star★ : 63.8K (and rising)


Another handy py download tool.


You – is a get. This crawler can crawl video sites and photo sites, and you can easily pull down your favorite videos or pictures or even audio files without writing any code. And support Tencent, Sohu, Sina, B station, CCTV network, Mango TV, LetV network, Youku, Panda Douyu and so on most of the domestic mainstream video websites.


Don’t worry, we also have other web crawler projects.


Painted Star: 3.1 k

Learn Python crawler from 0 to 1, including: browser packet capture, mobile APP packet capture, such as Fiddler and MitmProxy; Various crawlers involve the use of modules such as: Requests, beautifulSoup, Selenium, Appium, scrapy, IP proxy, verification code recognition, Mysql, MongoDB database python use, multi-threaded multi-process crawler use, CSS crawler encryption reverse crack, JS crawler reverse, Distributed crawler, practical examples of crawler project, etc.…


Sometimes you see beautiful images on Google but can’t download them. Now you can use this Python script to search and download hundreds of Google images locally.

Painted Star: 6.6 k +…


An animation engine that explains math videos. Can be used to create accurate 2D animations.

Painted Star: 11 k +



XSStrike is a Cross Site Scripting detection suite that comes with four handwritten parsers, an intelligent payload generator, a powerful blur engine, and a very fast crawler. Instead of injecting the payload and checking how it works like other tools, XSStrike analyzes the response through multiple parsers and then guarantees the payload through contextual analysis integrated with the blur engine.

Painted Star: 7.8 k +…

Machine learning

Here I recommend two things that I find interesting, mainly using our previous two projects, Pytorch, as mentioned at the beginning of this article.


Advanced machine vision software for a wide range of automated detection applications. It offers maximum design flexibility, a wealth of proven tools and features.

Painted Star: 11 k +…


This is an open source project on Github where the source code is available to all and free to use. In my opinion, the biggest advantage of this project is that it is super easy to install, almost no installation is required, and the use process is not complicated. Painted Star: 13.3 k +…

Tiktok robot

Is Python code for robot algorithms. How to find a beautiful little sister on Douyin ~~

Painted Star: 11 k +

In line with the core idea of efficient and direct finding of beautiful little sister, I made a Python Douyin-bot using Python + ADB. “- wangshub



It’s a DLIb-based face changer. The model training speed is faster, the low loss value can be reached faster under the same configuration, and the GUI interface version is available.

Painted Star: 29.8 k


The other thing is, we will need to apply for a job – interview.

Interview/internal promotion /Offer


It summarizes the latest technical interview questions and answers of Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Meituan and Toutiao in 2019.



A basic interview with a comprehensive set of frequently asked interview questions and answers.…

Finally, I want to end with a quote from this notebook. Thank you notebook author, as well as Xie Xuezhen elder brother’s recommendation.

The name of the notebook comes from “Waking Up,” the soundtrack to the movie Lone Survivor; In the movie, the soundtrack appears in the scene of the two team members taking an early morning jog on the prairie outside the base.

“Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards.

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Knowledge Planet: the community aims to prepare for fall/spring college entrance exams (including brush exams), interview and internal promotion opportunities, study routes, knowledge questions bank, etc.