Python continues to be popular. At the same time, the need for Web development, data science, and machine learning continues to grow, and Python is a common programming language in these fields.

As the demand for Python increases, both novice and advanced programmers will need more resources to master the on-demand language. So we’ve put together a list of the most common questions developers like you have about Python. Everything from the for loop to the documentation to the GUI.

Today, we will introduce the following:

  • What is Python?
  • What is the history of Python?
  • What are the main functions of Python?
  • Should I use Python 2 or Python 3?
  • How do I install Python?
  • What is the best Python IDE?
  • What are the best Python resources?
  • What are the basic concepts of Python?
  • What are the rules for local and global variables?
  • Python FAQ?
  • What are the best practices for using imports in modules?
  • What are classes in Python?
  • How do I call a function or method using a string?
  • How do I delete files in Python
  • Can I generate random numbers in Python?
  • Can I read or write binary data in Python?
  • What GUI toolkits are available for Python?

Master Python through hands-on projects.

After completing these courses, you’re ready to apply for any high-paying Python job.

Foundation and History

What is Python?

Python is an object-oriented, interpreted high-level programming language. In addition to object-oriented programming, Python provides examples of procedural and functional programming. It uses modules, exceptions, dynamic types, data types, and classes.

The language is powerful and clear, combining the interfaces of many system classes and libraries. Python can also be used as an extension language for applications that require a programmable interface.

What is the history of Python?

Python was founded by Guido Van Rossum in the 1980s at Centrum Wiskunde&Informatica in the Netherlands. Python was originally created as a successor to the ABC language, which would be able to handle exceptions and interface with the Amoeba operating system.

Until July 12, 2018, he was the sole lead of the Python project. In January 2019, the core developers elected Brett Cannon, Nick Coghlan, Barry Warsaw, Carol Willing, and Van Rossum to lead the project.

Python 2.0 was released on October 16, 2000, with new features such as cyclic detection of the garbage collector and Unicode support. Python 3.0 was released on December 3, 2008.

What are the main functions of Python?

  • ** Easy to learn and use: ** Python is considered an easy language to learn because its syntax is straightforward and often similar to English. Python uses bonus semicolons and braces to define code blocks. As an advanced implementation, it is the recommended programming language for beginners.
  • Expressive:Python can perform complex tasks with just a few lines of code. For example, a hello world is just one line:print("Hello World). While Python requires only one line of execution, languages like Java or C require many more lines.
  • Interpreted language: Python is an interpreted language that means Python programs are executed line by line. One advantage of interpreted languages is that they are easy to debug and portable.
  • Cross-platform languages: Python runs equally on Widows, Linux, UNIX, macOS and more, making the language portable. This allows engineers to create software on competing platforms using a single program.
  • Free and open source: Python is free and open to the public, and you can download it at It has a large global community dedicated to creating more Python packages and features through dedicated teams.
  • Object-oriented language: Python is an object-oriented programming language that uses classes and objects. It also allows for features such as inheritance polymorphism and encapsulation. This makes it easier for programmers to write reusable code.

Should I use Python 2 or Python 3?

Although there are many versions of Python, the main comparison is between Python 2 and Python3. Python3 was originally released in December 2008 to correct some basic design flaws introduced in Python 2.

The guiding principle for Python 3 is: “Reduce duplication of functionality by eliminating old ways of doing things.” Python 2 is created in a way that supports multiple ways to perform the same task.

Python 2:

  • Still ingrained in many companies’ software
  • Many of the older libraries for Python 2 are not forwarding compatible
  • By default, strings are stored as ASCII

Python 3:

  • Will replace Python 2 by 2020
  • More and more libraries have been created strictly for Python 2
  • The text string defaults to Unicode

Now, it is clear that Python 3 is the most popular choice, as Python Software Foundation no longer supports Python 2. With this change, the entire community has largely moved to Python 3, which means there is no reason to learn Python 2.

How do I install Python?

Python requires about 25 MB of disk space, so make sure you have enough. After installation, Python requires an additional 90 MB of space.

  1. You can download Python here.
  2. Click “Download Python 3.8.5”
  3. Scroll down and click [Your Operating System] 64-bit Installer.
  4. Click the button, follow the instructions of the installer, and you’re done!

What is the best Python IDE?

Ides (integrated development environments) are programs dedicated to software development. In this case, we are looking for an IDE dedicated to Python development. Some of the features of the IDE include:

  • An editor designed to work with code
  • Build, execute, and debug tools
  • Some form of source control

A good IDE for a Python environment has some important features: saving and reloading code files, running code in the environment, debugging support, syntax highlighting, and automatic code formatting.

General IDEs with Python support:

  • Eclipse + PyDev
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom

Python-specific editors and IDEs:

  • PyCharm
  • Spyder
  • Thonny

I recommend PyCharm, which offers some amazing features such as type checking, code checking, automatic refactoring, easy navigation in larger projects, integration with debugger and version control. The list goes on.

What are the best resources for learning Python?

The best way to learn Python is hands-on. Python is intuitive, so focusing on coding challenges will improve your skills. You can get ideas about these ideas on GitHub, the Python website, or in online courses.

Programming problem

What are the basic concepts of Python?

A semicolon

Let’s start with Python, which, unlike most programming languages, does not use a semicolon to end a line. A newline is sufficient for the interpreter to detect the new command.

We can see an example in the example using the print() method.

print(‘First command’)

print(‘Second command’)

The indentation

Most languages use curly braces to define the scope of a code block, but The Python interpreter simply determines this by indentation. This means you have to be very careful about whitespace in your code, which can break your application. Here’s an example.

def my_function():

print(‘Hello world’)


To comment something in your code, you only need to use a hash sign. Here is an example.

# this is a comment that does not influence the program flow

def my_function():

print(‘Hello world’)


With Python, you can store and manipulate data in programs. Variables store data, such as numbers, user names, passwords, and so on. To create (declare) variables, use the = symbol.



Note that in Python, for example, you don’t have to tell your program whether a variable is a string or an integer. This is because Python has dynamic typing, where the interpreter automatically detects data types.

The data type

To store data in Python, we’ve determined that you need to use variables. However, each variable will have a data type. Examples of data types include strings, integers, booleans, and lists.

A Boolean type can only hold values True or False.

my_bool = True


my_bool = bool(1024)


An integer is one of three numeric types, including float and complexity. An integer is a positive or negative number.

my_int = 32


my_int = int(32)


Strings are one of the most common data types.

my_city = “New York”


#Single quotes have exactly

#the same use as double quotes

my_city = ‘New York’


#Setting the variable type explicitly

my_city = str(“New York”)


Operators are symbols that you can use in your values and variables to perform comparisons and mathematical operations.

Arithmetic operators:

  • +Addition of:
  • -: the subtraction
  • *Multiplication:
  • /Department of:
  • **: exponentiation
  • %: modulo, gives you the remainder of the division

Comparison operators:

  • = =Equal:
  • ! =: not equal
  • >: better than… better
  • <: less than
  • > =: Greater than or equal to
  • < =: Less than or equal to

What are the rules for local and global variables?

In Python, variables referenced within a function are implicitly global. If a variable is assigned a value in the body of a function, it is local unless you explicitly declare it as global.

What are the best practices for using imports in modules?

In general, do not use from modulename import *. This messes up the importer’s namespace, which makes it harder for velvet to detect undefined names.

Import modules at the top of the file so you know exactly which modules your code needs. Use one import per row.

In general, it is good practice to import modules in the following order:

  1. Standard library module
  2. Third party library module
  3. Locally developed modules

You should only move an import to the local scope if you need to solve a problem such as avoiding circular imports or trying to reduce module initialization time.

What are classes in Python?

Essentially, everything in Python is an object with properties and methods. Class is an object constructor that acts as a blueprint for creating objects.

Here, we create a class named after the MyClass attribute X. Then, we create a P1 object and print the value of X.

class MyClass:

x = 5

p1 = MyClass()


When you create a class, you create a new object type that allows new instances of that type. Each class will have its own unique attribute. Python’s class merging uses the least syntax and semantics compared to other programming languages.

How do I call a function or method using a string?

There are several techniques for doing this, but the best way is to use a dictionary that maps strings to functions. With this approach, the string does not need to match the function name. This is also the main technique used to simulate case construction:

def a():


def b():


dispatch = {‘go’: a, ‘stop’: b} # Note lack of parens for funcs

dispatch[get_input()]() # Note trailing parens to call function

How do I delete files in Python

  1. The Python Files window is displayed.
  2. Enter the following code
import os


print(“File Removed!” )

The task seems simple enough. All you need to do is call os.remove() with a filename and path. Python defaults to the current directory.

  1. Run the application and you should see thisFile Removed!The message.

How do I generate random numbers in Python?

To generate random numbers in Python, you can use the randint() function.

# Program to generate a random number between 0 and 9

# importing the random module

import random

Print (random. Randint (0, 9))

Can I read or write binary data in Python?

This struct module should be used for complex and unconventional data formats. This allows you to take a string containing binary data and convert it into a Python object, and vice versa.

In the following example, the code reads two 2-byte integers and a 4-byte big-endian integer from a file:

f = open(filename, “rb”) # Open in binary mode for portability

s =

x, y, z = struct.unpack(“>hhl”, s)

What GUI toolkits are available for Python?

  • Tkinter: The standard build of Python includes Tkinter, which is the easiest to install and use. You can learn more here.
  • Kivy: Kivy is a cross-platform GUI library for desktop operating systems and mobile devices, written in Python and Cithon. It is free and open source software under the MIT license.
  • Gtk + : Python’s GObject introspection binding allows you to write Gtk + 3 applications.
  • WxWidgets: wxWidgets is a free and portable GUI written in C ++. WxPython is a Python binding for WxWidgets that provides a lot of functionality through pure Python extensions that the other bindings do not.