Recently popular micro channel small games, I also wrote a micro channel small program version 2048, this article mainly to share the realization of 2048 algorithm and points of attention, let’s learn! (Source address at the end of this article)


  • Generate a 4*4 checkerboard view
  • Randomly generate 2 or 4 to fill both cells
  • Record the start and end position of the user’s touch to judge the sliding direction
  • Move cells according to the slide direction and merge the same values
  • Then repeat Step 2
  • Determine if the game is over and produce different hints depending on the outcome of the game

The difficulties in

  • Determine the direction of slip
  • When the user slides, the same grid is merged and moved to the side of the slide direction

View implementation

1. Generate checkerboard view with WXML + WXSS

2. Use WX :for to render data to each cell

Logic implementation

1. When the page loads, randomly fill the two cells with the number 2 or 4

2. Judge the user’s sliding direction

  • Use the touchStart event function to get the starting position touchStartX, touchStartY
  • Use the touchMove event function to get the destination touchEndX and touchEndY
 var disX = this.touchStartX - this.touchEndX;
    var absdisX = Math.abs(disX);
    var disY = this.touchStartY - this.touchEndY;
    var absdisY = Math.abs(disY);  

    // Determine the direction of movement
    // 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left
    var direction = absdisX > absdisY ? (disX < 0 ? 1 : 3) : (disY < 0 ? 2 : 0);
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3. Move the table and merge the same items according to the slide direction (suppose to the right)

  • 2048 checkerboards generate a 4*4 two-dimensional array list, with empty Spaces represented by 0
// For example, the chessboard data is as follows
var grid = [
    []].Copy the code
  • Generates a 4*4 two-dimensional array based on the sliding direction
var list = [
    [].// Note that 0022 is not 2200, because it is like sliding right so push the array from the right
    []].Copy the code

The corresponding code (where this.board.grid is the initial grid above) :

formList(dir) {  // Generate four arrays of list based on the slide direction passed in
    var list = [[], [], [], []];
    for(var i = 0; i < this.size; i++)
      for(var j = 0; j < this.size; j++) {
        switch(dir) {
          case 0:
          case 1:
            list[i].push(this.board.grid[i][this.size- 1-j]);
          case 2:
            list[i].push(this.board.grid[this.size- 1-j][i]);
          case 3:
            break; }}return list;
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  • Put the number in front of each small array in the list, and put the 0 at the end
list2 = [
    []].Copy the code

Corresponding code:

changeItem(item) {  // Change [0, 2, 0, 2] to [2, 2, 0, 0]
    var cnt = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < item.length; i++)
      if(item[i] ! =0)
        item[cnt++] = item[i];
    for(var j = cnt; j < item.length; j++) 
      item[j] = 0;
    return item;
Copy the code
  • Adds cells of the same value and changes the value of the next cell to 0
list2 = [
    []].Copy the code

Corresponding code:

combine(list) { // Same merge when sliding
    for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)  // Numbers aside
      list[i] = this.changeItem(list[i]);

    for(var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { 
      for(var j = 1; j < this.size; j++) {
        if(list[i][j- 1] == list[i][j] && list[i][j]! =0) {
          list[i][j- 1] += list[i][j];
          list[i][j] = 0; }}}for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)  // Keep the numbers aside again to avoid 0220 becoming 0400
      list[i] = this.changeItem(list[i]);

    return list;
Copy the code
  • Roll back list2 to list and render the data to the board view
list = [
    []].Copy the code

Corresponding code:

move(dir) {
    // 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left
    var curList = this.formList(dir);

    var list = this.combine(curList); 
    var result = [[],[],[],[]];

    for(var i = 0; i < this.size; i++)
      for(var j = 0; j < this.size; j++) {
        switch (dir) {
          case 0:
            result[i][j] = list[j][i];
          case 1:
            result[i][j] = list[i][this.size- 1-j];
          case 2:
            result[i][j] = list[j][this.size- 1-i];
          case 3:
            result[i][j] = list[i][j];
            break; }}this.board.grid = result;
    this.setDataRandom();  // Fill two cells randomly with either 2 or 4 after one move

    return result;
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4. Repeat Step 1

5. Determine if the game is over

  • Criteria: 4*4 cells are full and there are no cells with the same values above and below any of the cells
isOver() {  // If the game is over, the end condition is: the available grids are empty and all grids have different values
  for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) // The left and right are not equal
    for (var j = 1; j < this.size; j++) {
      if (this.board.grid[i][j] == this.board.grid[i][j - 1])
        return false;
  for (var j = 0; j < this.size; j++)  // Not up or down
    for (var i = 1; i < this.size; i++) {
      if (this.board.grid[i][j] == this.board.grid[i - 1][j])
        return false;
  return true;
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6. Give corresponding hints according to game results

Po a source address: windlany/wechat – weapp – 2048 can be interested in the fork, star ~