Project address & personal blog

Some time ago I wanted to learn WeChat small program development, but I didn’t have any deep front-end skills. I saw a lot of interesting small programs and wanted to do a similar learning, so I wanted to learn from the existing small programs. But suffering from no source code, there is no way to capture the package source code.

After Google knows that you can use Android emulator to install WeChat and then install small program, and then find the corresponding wxapkg file in the file system, get the compressed package decompression can get small program source code.

But the zip package is a binary file, after looking for an existing open source project can be directly unzip the small program zip package.

Nonsense not say much, direct open dry ~

Download netease Mumu Android emulator

Download address

Install WeChat and RE file manager

Download the WeChat and RE file manager

Three, installed WeChat and RE file manager after access/data/data/com. Tencent. The mm/MicroMsg / {{a hexadecimal string}} / appbrand/PKG/directory

Enter the applet file directory

Four, zip the file and send it to the computer

Compression small program compression package

Send to computer

After this we can use the tool to decompress the small program package, the following directly see how to use the tool to decompress.

Tools to use a, source installation

If you haven’t used Golang before, you can go to the website to download it

go get

cd ~/go/src/

Use executable files

Download address

Use unwxapkg-f dest/102.wxapkg

The project address

I also hope to follow my personal blog,