When the total length of the scrollview sub-component is too long (it is preliminarily believed to be greater than 760px), it will fail to jump to the normal position.

Faulty device: huawei honor 10 (Android10)

Wechat version: 2.17.0

Time: 2021/5/17

This problem occurs when I use the Segment component of Lin-UI. Issues have been submitted to the relevant Github.

Code snippet




Using VideoContext. RequestFullScreen iOS side full screen left after the bugs

The device in question is iphoneX

Wechat version 2.17.0

Time 2021/5/15

Page USES VideoContext. RequestFullScreen API make the page jump to the video page automatically when open, and automatically broadcast. To exit fullscreen, use bindFullScreenChange to trigger the function wx.navigateBack to jump back to the original page. But now when you swipe left on iOS, you exit full screen without jumping. And the video component freezes when you exit full screen. Android terminal is no problem, exit the left or right swipe exit will directly return to the previous page.