A true master always has the heart of an apprentice!

I. Project Introduction

Some time ago on the Internet to see a cloud notes small program, feel pretty good, spare time, he transformed a wave, changed into a special diary small program.

At the same time, it also added a small function similar to the square, that is, the diary can be set to open, so that all people can see.

The style is also changed to v* X green hat style, looks a lot taller.

Projects are developed in the cloud. To tell the truth, cloud development is really convenient, do not need a domain name, do not need a server, do not need a database. Go straight to the cloud and you can do everything. In the future, it should be the era of cloud development, and it is very convenient to charge by volume, just like the phone.

Two, to achieve the function

Micro diary

Diary of a wall

With notes


Diary addition, modification, deletion

Notes added, modified, deleted

Add, modify, and delete voice notes

Friends share

Contact customer service


Note the number

Diary of a number of

Support etc.

Three, technology selection

Front end: applets

Back-end: Cloud development

Iv. Interface display

Five, the source address

See page