Error: URL invalid when wechat applet is about to load data using wx.request.

The prompt reads:

Not in the list of valid request domain names, please refer to the documentation

To solve the problem

You need to log into the background of wechat mini program.

Select development Settings in development.

In the server domain name configuration screen, modify the configuration of your Request domain name.

According to official guidelines, the valid domain name of request must use HTTPS

If your domain name does not already have an HTTPS CA signature, please do so first.

[! [2020-07-30_13-51-25]( 0x270.jpeg)]( “The 2020-07-30 _13-51-25)”

Then save and exit.

In applets, you need to exit and refresh the page.

When the page is refreshed again, you should not encounter a domain name error.

[! [domain-data-01](](http s:// “domain-data-01”)
