Welcome to the latest weBRTC-related information from webrtcweekly.com, translated by Tawan Technology.

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Artificial intelligence is being used to improve the experience, and in some ways to try to make it inclusive.

Can Claap end Zoom’s call monopoly? Don’t (TechCrunch). Not that asynchrony is a bad idea, just that it doesn’t challenge Zoom.

Technical information

FaceTime has finally embraced WebRTC – Implementation In-depth Discussions a fun way to implement using WebRTC.

WebCodecs coming soon (Blink-Dev) Wonder why Google is so keen to fast track this. Unless they plan to use it themselves first.

Common Misconceptions about Real-time Communication RTC (Agora) Ben Weekes in his Kranky Geek talk.

Users practice

Carbyne has raised another $20 million, so you don’t have to open the door when Death knocks (TechCrunch) congratulations to the team

Seoul-based Ringle has raised $18 million in Series A funding (TechCrunch) for its one-to-one English tutoring platform and they seem to be excluding the video calling component from the service itself, which is interesting.

TorrentFreak makes sense as a feature/service on WebTorrent.

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