Here are my study notes from the Webpack video, notes are important, practice is also important; In the process of learning, I found that learning methods are more important. The following are my learning methods summarized during this period:

1. First of all, learn the basic knowledge, do not be ambiguous, common knowledge is what, why to use, why can not achieve other, what is the difference;

2. Refer to the code of other projects, read it thoroughly, and refer to many similar projects. Every project has something you can learn from.

3. Then learn the technical knowledge you need, such as code segmentation, and I learned the custom plugin;

4. Combined with the requirements of the project, problems will definitely be encountered in the process, which is the key to improvement. For example, if the VUE is not used in VUue – Loader or VueLoaderPlugin;

Difficulties are not terrible. The most important thing is to guard against arrogance and impeturoism. We should break down big difficulties into small ones and make plans instead of making them too difficult.

The following are the notes I have learned and organized recently, but I haven’t had time to study in some places. Personally, I prefer to use mind maps in electronic version, while I can write notebooks in paper version, just like taking notes in the college entrance examination. It is also very important to find a suitable learning tool for myself.